I'm a bit confused with the seeming contradiction in the post sent by
Dominic Fernandes.
He writes " During the Portuguese regime only bhattkars' children ....could
go to school. If tenants sent their children....."
And in the last para he says"Do you think Goans would have achieved the
present day literacy rate if the Portuguese had continued to rule...."
Now my first point is, Who is to be blamed? The Portuguese or the Goan
bhattkars? In what way is the Portuguese government to be blamed if the
bhattkars forced the tenants and their children stopped the children from
going to school?
My next point is How many Goans at tht point of time were really interested
in education?
And lastly I understand from my reading that the Portuguese did make an
attempt to spread education at least at the primary level (count the number
of escolas primarias in the villages)but our own people at that time did not
value education because they did not know its value then. Secondly as you
rightly pointed out the bhattkars were the main culprits for keeping many of
our people ignorant and illiterate so that they could oppress them and cheat
them royally. So it was Goans v/s Goans and it will always be Goans v/s
Goans. We are made that way and in that sense we are unique according to
many I've come across.
Let's not blame others unnecessarily.If at all we have to condemn somebody
then it is these bhattkars who were the major obstacles in the educational
progress of our people.
Richard Cabral

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