> On 21/01/06, Sachin Phadte wrote:
> > Now, it is well established that the Pakistani
army is very 
> active in supporting the terrorists in India.  I
wonder how 
> Chirac would react if India makes a threat similar
to the one 
> he has made.  Not that I am advocating that India
should, but 
> just speculating what would happen.
--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> RESPONSE: Sachin, no doubt we would get a big hurrah
from this 
> Goveia.....
"This Goveia" responds:
I recommend Gabe's comment as a stark example of his
keen and constructive attitude, vast knowledge of
world affairs and sensitivity to the plight of
oppressed fascists around the world, whether they be
in Pakistan or Iraq.
However, what would get a big hurrah from me is if the
feckless Jacque Chirac would experience a real
epiphany and realize that France is not in this alone.
 France has not been taken seriously by Iran so far,
for good reason, and that Chirac's  perfidy in
enabling the tyranny of Saddam Hussein and his
intransigence in allowing the coalition to bear the
brunt of the liberation of Iraq has only created
contempt for France among the terrorists.

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