Certain Pandora's boxes have to be opened and diffused before they explode and cause major damage. The growing apprehension among Goans, about the rapidly changing demographics in the state, is one such box which has to be opened and explored.

---------- Quote: Invitation ------------

Literati is having its first session of the Argumentative Indian on Friday the 27th January at 5 p.m. The topic is : Are Goans in Goa an Endangered Species.

The catalyst for this discussion is that Robert S Newman who is an anthropologist and has written the book "Umbrellas, Goddesses and Dreams : Essays on Goan Culture and Society" is presently in Goa. Sandesh Prabhudessai, Editor of Sunaparant, Sucheta Potnis, freelance writer and columnist,and Fredrick Noronha who is a freelance journalist shall also put their viewpoints forward. Jason Keith Fernandes who is a lawyer and academic will be the moderator.

We hope you will come and contribute to the discussion.

Looking forward to seeing you on Friday.


E/1-2782 Gaura Vaddo
(opp.Tarcar Ice Factory next to ABC Farms and La Fenice)

Ph: 2277740

---------- end quote -----

This promises to be an interesting session. About Robert Newman I don't know much, but the other participants are an interesting mix. Sandesh Prabhudessai is a firebrand orator and asks very interesting questions. He is known to throw in a 'googly' that completely changes the perspective. Sucheta Potnis has made Goa her permanent residence since the last thirteen years. Does a Goan by choice become a Goan in time? Is a non-native Goan who lives and works in Goa any less Goan than some Goan-by-birth who lives a million miles away and visits Goa for two weeks every few years? Frederick Noronha is a pacifist who has consistently argued that we should build bridges instead of walls. Jason Fernandes' much evident academic expertise will definitely be required to moderate audience participation and ensure that this does not degenerate into a slinging match.

I hope the organisers will record (and perhaps even video film) the discussion. A transcript of the discussions would set the pace for a much larger debate with mass participation.

Some questions that beg to be asked:
1) Do ever-migratory Goans have the moral right to deny the outsider a place in the Goan sun? 2) How do we define the outsider? Are there desirables and non-desirables among them? 3) Are Land Ownership restrictions the answer? Can they be effectively implemented?

Wild horses will not drag me away from this discussion on Friday. I am amenable though to any offers of liquid intoxication after the debate. The colour of your money, or your skin, is not relevant in the post-debate debate. Can you distinguish between Siolim Caju Feni and Sanvordem Caju Feni? What's the difference between an igorz, an irmit and a copel? Why wasn't V. M de Mallar not on the debate panel? These are the questions we will ponder about later - insiders and outsiders alike!




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