Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I salute and commend Troy DeSouza for sticking his
> neck out on behalf of his adopted country.  I hope
> he sticks with it and runs again in future.

In Canada people do not vote for a candidate based of
where the candidate has come from or where he was
born. People vote for candidates based on the
candidates plans for the future.

Aound fifteen percent of the MP's in the previous
Parliament were born outside Canada. When you add the
other MP's who were born to immigrant parents, the
MP's who represent the "immigrant experience" rises to
around 40%. That is also the percentage of Canadians
(living) who have gone thru the immigrant experience.

I do not know of any other country where an immigrant
faces less restrictions in running for political
office. Neither have I heard of any another country
where immigrants are better represented in Parliament.

The MP for my district is a Yasmin Ratansi. Yasmin is
from Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.

Lastly, immigrants can run for all political offices.



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