By Valmiki Faleiro


If you have a survey map of your house or property issued by the Goa Land 
Survey Department on tracing paper, hold it like a prized possession!

Not because the Land Survey Dept. no longer issues maps on tracing paper, or 
because the old copy will acquire antique value for your grandchildren, but 
because ... hold your breath ... chances are that the current, computer-
printed *Digitized* version will be at variance with the original. If the old 
one was bad, the new one is infinitely worse!

The mess that the Land Survey Dept. now finds itself in, over the exercise of 
digitizing its records, is like a chapter straight out of Ripley’s *Believe it 
or not*. Beginning this Sunday, let us examine some issues pertaining to Land 
Survey and Record of (land) Rights, which have caused avoidable nuisance to 

It was proper that the State decided to computerize survey maps. Bulky paper 
records would be reduced to few and better manageable Compact Discs, and 
certified copies of maps would be issued at the stroke of a few computer keys 
(instead of weeks as before, when records were manually copied on tracing 

But the manner in which the laudable digitizing decision is being implemented, 
has given rise to a chaotic situation where two certified copies -- one copied 
manually, the other digitized -- of the same property and issued by the same 
authority, are different from each other! Before delving into this latest 
chapter of Goa’s Land Survey saga, let us briefly peep into the past.

The post-Liberation exercise of physically surveying the land mass of Goa was 
jinxed with imperfections from word go. Immediately after enactment of the 
Agricultural Tenancy Act, land survey was introduced in 1965 under Legislative 
Diploma No.764 (cart before horse, actually, but that’s another story.) In 
tune with the ruling MGP’s merger agenda, land survey rules were a copy of the 
Bombay Land Revenue Rules, but without the amendments carried out by 
Maharashtra. (Much like the Agricultural Tenancy law, also borrowed from 
Maharashtra, and without Maharashtra’s amendments that provided landowners the 
Right of Resumption, twice. Goa had none.)

The basis of the new Goa survey was inaccurate, outdated and erroneous 
coordinate data, compiled by the colonial regime around 1925. Geographical 
coordinates of Aguada (the Point Zero origin for Goa coordinates), then found 
to be wrong, were partly corrected in 1930.

When the Aguada Triangulation system itself was imperfect, any wonder that 
several triangulation stations (like Chandel, Mopa plateau in Pernem) in the 
new survey have errors as large as 16 metres difference in the coordinates? 
The entire grid was thrown out of scale.

How were these errors hidden in the new survey maps? A smart Departmental 
brain produced the solution : "compensate" the errors on public nullahs and 
rivers. So if you want to build a culvert or bridge across a nullah or river, 
which the survey map shows a span of 20 metres, be prepared for an actual 
ground measurement of either four or 36 metres!

There was a clear case for discarding the Portuguese-era triangulation and 
adopting a new and accurate system. This was not done. Instead, data collected 
through an army of field surveyors, largely on inaccurate Plane Table sheets, 
was superimposed on the erroneous old grid.

The result was chaos, as the survey got completed by 1977. Leaving in its wake 
the first wave of avoidable litigation!

So inaccurate was the survey that lines running from one taluka would not 
match with those in the adjacent taluka! Reason why the Land Survey Dept. 
fought shy of issuing a single Map of a property that spanned two or more 
talukas. If you owned, say, a contiguous property that started at a corner of 
Salcete and went beyond into Quepem taluka, there was no way of getting an 
official Map of your property on a single sheet of paper ... two separate maps 
would be issued, one for each parcel in each taluka.

Another ingenious leaf was borrowed from Maharashtra to hide errors. While 
some villages and talukas were mapped in a scale of 1:1000 (where 1 centimetre 
on paper represents ten metres on ground), neighbouring villages or talukas 
were put on different scales, like 1:2000 or 1:4000. Defects defaced!

All this, of course, happened in the late '60s/early '70s, when the aam 
Goenkar was less vigilant, public awareness almost nil.

If the post-Liberation physical survey was bad, digitizing its maps is worse 
(as we shall see next Sunday.) And happens, quite ironically, when people are 
far more vigilant about defending their interest in their landed property ...

The above article appeared in the January 29, 2006 edition of The Herald, Goa

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