The recently concluded Mando Festival (39TH.)was a
treat to the lover's eyes. Despite its minus points,
including organizational gaffes", it was a commendable

Mando, inherently, has a monotony of its own, and
thereby it was predicted many years ago that it would
die a natural death. But thanks to the efforts of many
it still breathes on its own. Criticism there has
always been and there will always be. 

I remember, how much ire the "stylized" Mando version
(Mando estilizado) propounded by Fr. Camilo Xavier and
Maestro Michael Martins received many years ago!If
Mando has to survive it must come out of the rut. The
organizers face umpteen difficulties. To start with it
is the step-motherly treatment of the various Govts to
an otherwise most enviable side of our Goan culture,
the quintessence of Goan art. 

As the great writer/journalist/activist, Mr.Godfrey
Gonsalves often reiterates "those in power discreetly
promote only a certain type of culture of Goa, and
fail to recognise the historical reality of cultural
assimilitation by Goans". 

Truly speaking, genres of dance/music like the Mando,
the dekhni and the khel-tiatr  - to mention only a
few-  have originated in the red soil of Goa, clearly
created not by the Portuguese (like our extremist
die-hards often erroneously beleive), but by us Goans
- true-blooded Indians, first and foremost! 

It is hilarious to know that the "extremist" Parrikar,
last year, released a handsome grant well in advance
for  successfully staging the Mando festival. I am
told, he even went to the extent of helping procure
tens of advertisements, in order  to help meet the
enormous expenses incurred by the organizing committee
in putting forth festivals of this magnitude.For Mr.
Parrikar, of course, expediency is the name of the

That apart, what surprises me the most, is the fact
that the avowed secular "pluralistic" Congress has
always succeeded in causing even more damage to our
multicultural fabric. 

Both Luizinho and Digamber, I feel, released grants
this year so late apparently in an act of bravado, in
a last ditch effort to build their "pluralistic"

Unfortunately, we have reached a point of time when
Mando will be able to survive ony if it is
commercialized. And that is to a great extent due to
the step-motherly treatment meted to it by succesive

This year, it is my humble opinion, the organizers did
a commendable job, not only providing a good build-up
to the event, but also sustaining the momentum, on
that particular day (the 28th. of Jan. at the
Majestic), despite heavy odds.
It is sad - well nigh pathetic - that what my friend
Godfrey says is so very true: "Ironically,neither the
Department of Art and Culture nor the Kala Academy
have framed the policy guidelines on what constitutes
Goan culture. Thus, the successive Governments, will
clandestinely continue to promote only the pre 1510
Indian culture as Goan culture".

As a newly appointed member of the KA that I have been
(malgre moi), I hope to voice the fears of all of us
true-blooded Goans, at the first Board meeting of the
KA that is going to take place at 4 pm on Feb 1, at
the precincts of that grand institution that is the
Kala Academy. Hopefully mine will not be "the voice in
the wilderness".

Dr. Francisco Colaco
151 G. Rebelo Rd.
Margao. Goa
Cell: 9823190318

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