On January 28, 2006, the GNU/Linux user group meet at the Goa Science
Centre (alongside the scenic Miramar beach) once again showed that the
five-minute lightning talks series does work well. 

As we waited to battle the unpunctuality syndrome, the topic floated
towards RHCE/RCHT, 64-bit systems, Skype, ETDC courses, and films from
South Africa.

        By this time, we had a surprise guest. Samir Kelekar, who came
        in direct from Dabolim airport, after landing in from Bangalore.
        Samir is on the GoG's infotech council, and has been a long-time
        member of the group. 
        To kick off, we saw some of the films from South Africa, made in
        a very interesting manner, with the goal of introducing FLOSS
        and computing concepts to young people (and others). There were
        brief reports on the Firefox browser, an articulate African lady
        offering introduction to some useful websites, and more. All
        done in a very user-friendly manner. And: there are 13 episodes
        focussing on these subjects! DVD copies available with Nelson if
        you need them, at a reasonable price that covers cost and
        possible raises a tiny fund for the SXC user-group.
Engineer Bijon Shaha did his homework and was introducing the concept of
the South African 'freedom toaster'. Pop in a CD, get out a distro.
Sounds unrealistic? It's true. Shaha did a good job in introducing the

Damodar gave an interesting presentation on how to install GNU/Linux
without any risk to a Windows partition. His tip: "When you're asked for
the boot-loeader to be loaded, don't load your grub boot-loeader in the
master boot record. Select the first boot partition, copy it on a floppy
and restart the system with the floppy...." Really nice to see our new
LUGgers taking such an interest and even volunteering talks!

Edgar was next with the five-minute slot, talking about his travails
with getting his Acer 64-bit working with various distros -- Fedora Core
4, Mandriva 10.1 and Suse. His woes include Suse not properly
recognising the ACPI status (battery status), the digicam not
communicating properly with the camera, Suse not giving the option of
multiple desktops, Postgres missing fro some distros, 3D games just
crawling... Perhaps Edgar will post directly onto the list, so as to get
advice from a wider pool.

        My (FN's) own modest presentation was a hurried sharing of some
        lessons picked up at Africa Source 2 in Uganda. It included
        mentioning of comics to teach GNU/Linux and IT concepts by
        Schoolnet Namibia, the Gadgets software seeking to integrate a
        whole lot of social software (wikis, mailing lists, blogs, etc),
        an encounter with billionaire Afronaut Mark Shuttleworth, the
        aim of Africa Source (taking FLOSS to non-profit organisations,
        and it's three tracks focussing on info management, migration
        for NGOs and migration for education), the Sahana software
        crafted as a Sri Lankan initiative to help cope with disasters,
        human rights FLOSS such as Martus software, the tectonic.co.za
        site focussing on FLOSS, Creative Commons, localisation of
        computing initiatives, etc.

Samir, a longtime LUGger now on the Goa infotech council, made the point
that policy planners and politicians sitting on official bodies are
often in a "totally different world". He suggested the LUG could do
something by pushing the official policy in a way where Goa benefits
from the power of Free Software. 

"If I started on [GNU]Linux in the first year, it would mean I have
something like three years of experience (by the time one starts
working)," Samir said, pointing out that companies in Bangalore were
spending huge resources to get their new employees familiarised with the
tools of Free/Libre and Open Source Software. He pointed out that
developing software on proprietorial software tools was also
prohibitively costly, with say a set of MSD software tools costing Rs

Various ideas came up on how more students could be encouraged to
venture into Free Software in Goa, how a more FLOSS-friendly policy
could be made FLOSSible. 

Poorly trained engineering skills was a real problem, Samir indicated,
pointing out that after graduation, some engineers were joining NIIT to
learn Java for a year after they left college. "The whole future of my
company depends on how good guys I get. It's difficult to find people,"
Samir Kelekar added. He stressed that those with GNU/Linux skills were
paid far higher than those from the world of generic properietorial

There was a long discussion, with suggestions coming in from Arvind
Yadav, Ravi Deka, Edgar of Moira, Prof Janarthan (of the Botany
Department, GU) and a whole lot of others. By the time we looked at our
watches, it was past the time to close. We spoke to Goa Science Centre
director Joshi, and he too felt it might be a good idea to screen the
FLOSS South African films for a wider audience at the Science Centre.

See you on February 25, 2006, the fourth Saturday of next month.
Volunteers offering five-minute talks (it's easy!) are more than
welcome. FN
| India Linux Users' Group, Goa                             |
| Join the friendly user group                              |
| Mail list http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ilug-goa/join     |
 ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/teach-yourself-linux        |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ilug-goa-announce           |
| http://www.iosn.net/country/india/organizations/ilug-goa/ |
         ,            ,
        /             \        .-.      * SOFTWARE
       ((__-^^-,-^^-__))      (. .)     * FREEDOM
        `-_---' `---_-'       / V \     * SHARING  
         `--|o` 'o|--'       //   \\
            \  `  /         /(     )\     KNOWLEDGE IS POWER
             ): :(          '.^^_^^.'     SHARE IT EQUITABLY
             :o_o:           \_/ \_/

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