The argument against the Navy at Dabolim, is not an argument against the Navy 
in Goa, hence the
phrase "for those who keep insisting that the Navy has no *strategic* role to 
play from Goa" is a
red herring and straw man.  Additionally, the Navy's refusal to let a few 
worshippers at a Church
once a year on a Feast day, brings the Navy's supposed defense of freedom and 
democracy into
question.  Exactly whose freedom and democracy is it defending if citizens 
cannot exercise their
constitutional rights?


--- gilbert menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For those who keep insisting that the Navy has no *strategic* role to
> play from Goa, here is an example of just that. The targets in
> question were operating, in one case, near the gulf of aden, and in
> the other case near south Africa, thosands of miles away from our home
> bases.   What the article hasn't mentioned is that it is the Navys
> constant peacetime role to be prepared for war, and to gather as much
> information about our prospective enemies. 

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