The article appeared in 'The Examiner'

Christian Council condemns States’ religious

By Dr Abraham Mathai, Gen. Secy., All India Christian

It would seem that to be a Christian is in itself an
offence in this country today. An American evangelist
was yesterday prevented from preaching to a Christian
gathering in Kerala by the police, because he has come
on a tourist/business visa and the same has been
widely reported in the National Dailies (Hindustan
Times, Asian Age and others) all over the country
today. A couple of months ago in Mumbai too, a group
of U.S. nationals who were conducting a Bible study to
a group of Christians were mercilessly beaten by
communal goons and were thereafter deported on similar

It may be noted that in Washington D.C. and that too
outside the White House, Indian followers and devotees
of Swami Vivekanand and other Swamis freely give out
religious literature to spread their beliefs. It is
quite absurd that India, the largest democracy in the
world and a signatory of the 1948 UN Charter on the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights is deliberately
violating fundamental Human Rights of others, yet
paradoxically the overseas headquarters of the RSS in
New York and California are taking full advantage of
the liberties enshrined in the Constitutions of the
western world which have their very foundations in the
Christian faith.

When a person visits any country as a tourist, he is
free to attend the places of worship of his or her
choice and participate in the religious rites
according to the demands of the faith. It is just
absurd to think of an Indian visiting the U.S being
attacked for visiting a place of worship or
proclaiming his faith and being deported subsequently.
Such a shameful act is unacceptable in a civilised
society such as ours especially when globalisation
demands interdependence and reciprocity.

It is no secret that numerous visitors from the
Western nations including the U.S. come on tourist
visas flocking temples like ISKCON in Mumbai and
Rajneesh Ashram in Pune and it is a common sight in
Mumbai when many of these foreign nationals who are
devotees of ISKCON are found propagating and selling
religious books and cassettes at railway stations, bus
stands and various public places.

The All India Christian Council begs a clarification
from the government as to why is this discrimination
violating the provisions of Article 25 of our
Constitution and accepted Universal Human Rights
Conventions, only practised against the followers of

It is quite a disturbing fact that the world’s
largest democracy is consciously apeing the religious
intolerance practised in certain countries of the
Middle East which has been the cause of religious
fundamentalism and terrorism endangering world peace.


Joseph Fernandes

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