On 18 February, 2006, students of St.Britto High School, Mapusa, staged an
impressive "Passing Out Parade" worthy of a Military School and having
cultural items never seen in the Military Schools. It was a sight to see and
sounds to capture for an eternity.

The SSC students in "civvies" [black trousers, white shirts and black ties]
walked down the steps from the Assembly Hall to the football-cum-parade
ground. A hundred and thirty four well turned out boys fit to be "Gentlemen
Cadets", with the foreguards carrying the two numbers 2006 and 60, trooped
down to a thunderous applause. The fact that there are 134 students in SSC
in the 60th year of the school is no mean achievement when birth rates are
already on the decline in Goa.

The Head boy or Chief Minister of the School, Omar Nunes from Guirim,
unfurled the school flag. He
was at hand when the 'Principal' or Head Master, Fr.Apollo Cardoz s.j., lit
the torch that was then presented to each "house" the Red, Blue, Green and
Gold house one by one to represent the passing of knowledge to all the four
houses of students in the school. The outgoing 'house commanders' then
presented the 'house standards' to the newly elected house commanders fron
Standard IX. The school flag then was transferred by Omar Nunes to the
CM-elect Sudesh Pillai. From then on the SSC students were the guests of the

The house-wise troops in their mass PT uniforms of black shorts and house
colour shirts marched smartly and in unision behind the new house commanders
in Navy white trousers and shirts with the shoulder bars and all. The grey
shorts and sky blue shirts of the school uniform were conspicuous by their
absence. Times have changed, so have the colours. The only consolation was
that the 'right markers' of each house had grey trousers. The turn out was

The Brittoites band played the music for the march past, the school and
national anthem and for the cultural fiesta.

The primary section presented a cross between Hawaii and Maldives in a
tribal dance. Large jack leaves for the men and  hoola skirts of coconut
leaves and red cloth bikini tops for the "girls". In true Polynesian style,
the 'girls' carried on dancing with gay abandon ....even then their bikini
tops slid down their topless chests. ;-)) I did hear a few gasps and see
jaws drop among some in the audience. Well, boys will be boys!

Zee-Bras move over, the middle school students did better as cheer leaders
than the Mumbai girls at the football finals earlier this year.

"Iss duniya mein do tarah ke log hote hain. Ek tarah ke log sari zindagi
mein ek hi kaam karte hain. Dusre tarah ke log ek hi zindagi mein sareh kaam
karte hain" goes the dialogue of the Big B Amitabh Bacchan in Abhishek
Bacchan -Rani Mukherji box office hit movie "Bunty and Bubbly". The hit song
"Dhaddak, dhaddak"
was picturised and presented by the boys to their seniors, perhaps as an
inspiration. We have just one life...and many things to do in it.

Pawan means wind. Physical Eduction teacher, Pawan Kumar, has been a breath
of fresh air in the St.Britto High School. If proof was wanted, he showed it
off like the Pharoahs of Egypt...with live "Pyramids". I have studied for
nine years in Brittos and have taken my sons to that school for the last
dozen years. Never have I seen such intricate and well executed pyradid in
any school. The older boys were even trained to act as 'hydraulic lifts' for
the younger ones whom they carried on their shoulders and delivered directly
to the third floor of the 'pyramid'. The best part was that the entire
exercise was conducted by a student. The grand master, Pawan, had melted
into the crowd of spectators. Fantastic delegation of responsibility and
capacity building in the students. This is literally learnin-by-doing...and
doing it well the first time and everytime!

After the inspiring address by the Principal calling upon the students to
live up to the school mooto "Deeds, not Words" [Facta non Verba] and to
serve God and Country, the National Anthem was sung. Then, it was a solemn
and dignified march by the SSC batch of 2006 out of the school gate.

It is nice that the school organises this passing out parade, a fitting
finale to a dozen years in the school. Most of us on this list were not
among the fortunate ones to have a passing out parade. Some made do with a
'farewell party', some others may have not had even that. An event like this
is bound to strengthen the emotional ties to the institution. Something that
can help create a Old Boys Association once again.

Viva Brittos


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