This piece of news about Digamber Kamat not allowing Lorna to perform may be 
very well justified. However, idiots like him and the organizing committee 
should have antecipated large crowds attending and perhaps considered a better 
venue for the occasion. 

Poor planning is always an issue when irresponsible and mediocre people get 
themselves into planning and organizing committee with visions limited, not to 
project the event further to better heights, but to their narrow minded 
personal gains in being in these committees only.

This fiasco means everybody lost a great performance by the much acclaimed 
Lorna. All because of a direct consequence of actions of a few handful people 
who were in the organizing committee.


Goanet News Service 

*** Goan Melody queen Lorna will not perform at this year's Margao Carnival

Art and culture minister MLA Digamber Kamat had opined that if Lorna performed
at Anafonte Spring Garden, it couldcause damage to landscaping More 

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