Hi, Savika!
Re:-:  Konknni (Roman Script)  +  Abbe Faria. 
The Invader  has no right to replace the Roman Script which is more than nearly 500 years old.
Whereas the Occupier, at the drop of a hat,  keeps on issuing  stamps honouring all 'n' sundry, the Portuguese had  issued stamps honouring outstanding achievers like Vasco da Gama*, Afonso de Alburquerque, Dr. Gama Pinto,  M. A.  de  Sousa, Fr. Jose Vaz, St. Francis Xavier, etc.  (Yes, Vasco da Gama, Afonso de Alburquerque, Dr. Gama Pinto, M. A.  de  Sousa, Fr. Jose Vaz, St. Francis Xavier are, or  should be on our globalized Planet, universally admired for their bravado,  fortitude,  spirot of adventure  or other virtues).
If stamps can be issued honouring every Tom, Dick and Harry, why not an illustrious  personality like Abbe Faria?
*Vasco da Gama is universally admired as an historical figure because it was  no joke rounding the Cape of Good Hope and crossing  the stormy waters in a sailing ship and reaching the  West Coast  of the  Subcontinent:such a feat accomplished in the XVth century  required supreme courage from  the glorious  Capitao and crew).
.There used to be in  Goa  a town or city rightly named after him but the name has apparently  been   changed.  As a matter of interest, this scribe wishes to know how such  a  change was justified  and the newly imposed  name the place  now bears.

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