On 25/02/06, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Goanet moderators routinely return my posts for
> adjustments, sometimes for the most picayune reasons,
> often for using the same phrases as posted by some of
> their friends.  They rejected one post because I
> inadvertantly submitted it in HTML.  Another because I
> had not truncated the previous post.  Another for
> simply calling a poster who is routinely irritable and
> abusive "this xxxx guy".  Rather than waste my time
> arguing with them, I just changed "this xxxx guy" to
> "Mr. xxxx" and then they posted it.  On the other hand
> they will allow some posters to post anonymously, some
> to use nom de plumes, and some to leave out their
> e-mail addresses and post as from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> My point is that I don't expect posters like Savika to
> keep track of all the most picayune rules.  Let's hold
> the moderators and administrators responsible.

RESPONSE: What a sob story; my heart is bleeding. I too get posts
rejected - no sweat - just get on with it, no cry baby stuff from me.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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