C/o Rhythm House, Opp Meenakshi Hotel, Margao, Goa - 403 601
Phone: 2714299

Demands of Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA):

1.Goa Govt. should amend the Official Language Act 1987 to insert three 
words in 2 (c) Konknni means .. and Roman script.   DKA demands equal and 
official status in the Official Language Act to Konknni written in 
Devanagari and Roman scripts.

2.Goa Govt. recognizes Marathi Akademi as the official Akademi for Marathi 
in Goa and gives grants through the Directorate of Official Language.  In 
the same way, Goa Government must recognize Dalgado Konknni Akademi as the 
official NGO of Konknni in Roman script, and give the same amount of grants 
directly to DKA.

3.So far, Goa Govt. has not appointed the president of Goa Konknni Akademi 
(GKA) from the Roman script group.  In the future, Govt. should appoint the 
president by turns from Devanagari script and Roman script promoters 

4.GKA is a Govt. institution.  At present a nominee of the All India Konknni 
Parishad is the ex-officio member of GKA.  GKA Constitution must be amended 
to include a nominee of Dalgado Konknni Akademi as the ex-officio member of 
GKA.  Goa Govt. appoints three eminent persons in the field of Konknni 
language, literature or culture as ex-officio members of GKA.  While 
nominating these three persons Govt. should give equal representation to 
Devanagari and Roman script.

5.Kala Akademi (KA) gives annual prizes for one book published in Konknni in 
Devanagari script and a book in Marathi. KA must also give an annual prize 
to a book written in Roman script.  KA should give to Konknni in Roman 
script the projects and schemes which are available to Konknni in Devanagari 

6.Kala Akademi gives Gomantak Sharada Puroskar to Konknni writers in 
Devanagari script and Marathi writers.  In future KA must consider and give 
this prestigious award to Konknni writers in Roman script and artists as 

7.Kala Akademi is established to promote the culture of Goa.  Hence it 
should be asked to hold competitions and to promote Khell tiatrs (non-stop 
Konknni drama), one-act plays in Konknni in Roman script, Mandos, Dekhnnis, 
Christmas carols, Christmas cribs, Sangodd, Church hymns, Motets, Intruz 
khells, Kantaram, Kunnbi songs and dances, and other folk arts.

8.Govt. must name its new theatre for the performing arts in Margão, in 
honour of Late João Agostinho Fernandes, who is popularly known as "Pai 
Tiatrist".   By doing this Govt. will honour a great Goan tiatrist and his 
minority community.

9.Goa Govt. has the Advisory Board for Directorate of Official Language. In 
this Advisory Board the Govt. must give equal representation to Konknni 
writers in Roman and Devanagari scripts and Marathi.

10.  Goa Konknni Akademi, Kala Akademi, Directorate of Art and Culture, and 
other Govt. departments while publishing Konknni books, should publish them 
in both Devanagari script and Roman script.

11.  Tiatr is the most popular form of theatre in Goa.  To promote this 
local art form, Goa Govt. should make available its theatres in Panaji, 
Ponda, Margao and elsewhere at subsidized rates for tiatrs.  This generous 
gesture of the Govt. will boost the tiatr industry.

12.  Konknni has two representatives in Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. Goa 
Govt. sends three names to Sahitya Akademi as its nominees.  Let the Goa 
Govt. send names of both Konknni writers in Devanagari script and Roman 

13.  To promote Konknni films the Govt. must establish a separate board of 
films consisting of writers, artists and experts in filmmaking.  This board 
too must have equal representation of Roman script experts as demanded in 
all other cases.

14.  Education department must publish Konknni books written in Roman script 
to promote adult literacy programme In Goa.

Wilson Mazarello

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