--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Don't be alarmed, but the fact is you are getting
> old.
> You are hurtling towards the end of your life. At
> that
> point the show is over. The lights are out. The
> darkness is out. Don't expect any kind of an
> afterlife, a rebirth or a reincarnation. 

Sorry Dr. Helekar, but life for the atheists, it
appears to me, from reading the above, is pathetic -
just a piece of flesh, meant only for procreation "to
pass on the genes", nil else.  A sure recipe for
suicide should one be unable to procreate for any

Anyhow.  One will come to know if there life after
life or not,  just at the moment as one's life is
about to be extinguished - by then, too late for the
atheist if his theories are wrong; a wasted life in
doing good things (for the theist) if the atheist is
right. I'd rather be the latter and have at least
strived to make the world a better place to live for
those surviving me.

Interestingly, I had posted a piece just yesterday
regarding Mother Angelica and EWTN, which was rejected
by the goanet admin as being "off-topic".  I accepted
the reason. However, I won't raise my hackles on Dr.
Helekar's post.  I will, however, refer to just one
paragraph of that rejected post, below, as it has
reference to Dr. Helekar's post:

“I am convinced God is looking for dodoes,” she
(Mother Angelica) once told Protestant televangelist
Jim Bakker. “He found one: me! There are a lot of
smart people out there who know it can’t be done, so
they don’t do it. But a dodo doesn’t know it can’t be
done. God uses dodoes: people who are willing to look
ridiculous so God can do the miraculous.”  

Anyone interested in reading the whole article from
where this paragraph came, please see


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - VIC - Australia.

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