My facts are far straighter than your facts, about Goa
and anything connected with your curious "Goa for
Goans" campaign while living safely in the UK.
The fact that you still do not know that Goa was a
colony of a third rate European country and was
liberated in 1961, 14 years after the colonial era was
declared dead by the civilized world, reminds me of
the Japanese soldiers they found recently in the
Phillippine jungles who did not know that WW-II had
ended years ago.  Not knowing in 2006 that Goa and
India are democracies goes a long way towards 
explaining your peculiar view of what is going on in
Goa.  Get used to the idea, now that you know, because
you cannot turn back the clock, especially when you
don't even live in Goa.
--- Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Get your facts right about Goan history before
> making
> vile statements. What democracy are we talking
> about?
> BC

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