Dear Mr. Menezes,

I suppose these army transport drivers have insurance
should they hit any vehicle?  

Way back in 1968 in Margao, a military truck knocked
my parent's parked vehicle, and they just moved off
without any communication whatsoever, after a few
minutes of staring at us. 

Is this the way the military try to "endear"
themselves with the locals?

Thanks anyway, for letting us know that the military
do pay the Govt for their private services.  However,
an explanation to the above is required, in view that
there was a recent civilian death involving a military

And please note that Philip was by no means saying
that the military get "free" transport.  

If we have little or no knowledge about the armed
forces (and you appear to have plenty), it would be
good that from time to time, you could take a hand in
explaining without "covering up" the facts.

Gabriel de Figueiredo.

--- gilbert menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As per
> Govt. of India
> regulations, families of serving personnel are
> permitted to pay for 
> use of military transport, on condition of
> availability at the
> military station where they are based. Therefore,
> some military
> transport is used for bussing kids to school, and
> the families who use
> this service, make a monthly payment.  This payment
> goes to the Govt.
> treasury.
> You are perfectly free to air your views about Mopa,
> on this forum,
> but please refrain from letting fly loose canonballs
> about the Armed
> Forces, about whom you have little or no knowledge.
> regards,
> Gilbert Menezes.


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