GET EMPOWERED: What the Right to Information means to Goa

     This article was compiled and shared at the initiative
     of the Lions Club of Arpora-Nagoa-Parra, for the benefit
     of readers in Goa and Goanetters in particular. This is
     a 11-year-old Lions Club, working in the interest of the
     local community. Its permanent projects include a
     children's park, a reading room, a school for moving
     children, indoor games for the youth, bus shelter,
     traffic signboards and even a study of pollution in the
     Baga River. Further details from its secretary Agnelo
     Remedios via mobile 9822380714 in Goa.

Dassera symbolizes the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
Dassera 2005 proved it. On October 12, 2005, the operational
provisions of the Right to Information Act became effective.
The Government of Goa however continued its lackluster
approach to the Act, and only about three weeks ago (February
15, 2006) notified the Rules for fees and appeals. 

The notifications of the various Public Information Officers
(PIOs) continues to be done in piecemeal fashion and some
departments are yet to notify the PIOs although its well
past the time limit set by the Act. In fact, the department of
Information and Publicity is yet to notify the complete list
of PIOs with name address and telephone numbers as required.

The Right to Information Act of 2005 in its preamble clearly
states its objectives: "to provide for setting out the
practical regime of right to information for citizens to
secure access to information under the control of public
authorities in order to promote transparency and
accountability in the working of every public authority".

The Act requires that every public authority shall maintain
records duly catalogued and indexed in a manner and form that
facilities the right to information. It requires that the
records be computerized in reasonable time. 

     It not only provides the right to any individual to seek
     information but it casts a duty on the public authority
     to provide as much information suo-motu (i.e. on their
     own) to the public at regular intervals through various
     means of communications like notice boards, newspapers,
     public announcements media broadcasts internet or any
     other means, so that the citizens are well informed.

Steps towards making use of the Right to Information Act: You
do not need a lawyer. Any citizen can seek information.

Citizen means a person and not artificial judicial body or a
legal entity and therefore a firm or an association of
persons or company cannot apply for such information since
they cannot be considered as a natural person.

* Make an application: As a citizen seeking information, make
an application in writing or in electronic mode, in
English, Hindi or the local language, to the
concerned Public Information Officer (PIO) of the
Department, specifying the particulars of information
sought for.  The PIO receiving the application is
required to render reasonable assistance to the
person making the application. 

If the individual or person cannot make an application in
writing, the PIO is duly bound to provide all assistance to
the person making the request orally and to reduce the same
in writing. 

When you make this application there is no prescribed form.
It can be on plain paper. Be brief and use simple language.

You are not required to give any reasons as to why you need
the information nor are you required to give any of your
personal details except those that are necessary to contact
you.  If for any reason by mistake you make an application
before the wrong PIO, the concerned PIO is required to
transfer the said application within five days to the
appropriate PIO and intimate you of the transfer immediately.

He cannot reject the application.  For obtaining any
Information regarding central departments the same need to be
made before the appropriate central public information

* Fees for Application: The Government of Goa has recently
notified the rules regarding fees for obtaining information.
At the time of making an application you are required to pay
a fee of Rs. 10 (ten rupees only) by cash, or demand draft or
cheque payable to the concerned PIO. The Act provides that no
fee shall be charged from the persons who are below the
poverty line as may be determined by the State Government. It
is pertinent to note that our State Government has not
notified the thresthold limit of poverty line, and hence
there is presently no exemption from this application fee.

* Time limit for disposal of request for information: On
receipt of your application for information, the PIO has to
as expeditiously as possible and in any case within thirty
days of the request either provide the information on payment
of fee or reject the request. 

Whenever the information called for by you concerns the life
or liberty of a person, the same must however be furnished to
you within forty-eight hours of the request. If the PIO doe
not give decision within the said time it will be deemed that
he has rejected the request.

I Payment of charges for information: When the concerned PIO
agrees to provide the information called for he will intimate
you of the charges to be paid, as notified by the government
which are as under: (i) Rs 2 for each page (in A4 or A3 sized
paper) created or copied. (ii) Actual charge or cost price of
a copy in larger size paper. (iii) Actual cost for samples or
models. (iv) No fee for inspection of records for first one
hour, and a fee of Rs 5 for every subsequent hour or part
thereof. (v) For information provided on diskette or floppy
you have to pay a sum of Rs 50 for each diskette or floppy.
(vi) For information in printed form, the actual price of
such publication or Rs 2 per page for photocopy extracts.

If the PIO does not furnish the information within the
stipulated time the information will have to be given free of

* Third Party information: If the PIO intends to provide any
information disclosed by a third party confidentially, he
shall within five days intimate the third party of his
intention to do so and give an opportunity to the third party
to be heard within ten day and accordingly he shall dispose
of the application within 40 days of the application and
intimate the third party of the same.

* When a request is rejected: If your request is rejected by
the PIO, it is his duty to communicate to you the reasons for
rejecting your application, and the period before which you
may appeal to the appellate authority, which is 30 days, and
also provide you with the particulars of the appellate

* Appeal: If you do not receive a decision within the time
prescribed, you are entitled to appeal before the appellate
authority within thirty days or, if aggrieved by the
decision, within 30 days of receipt of the decision.

You will be intimated of the hearing at least seven days in
advance and you are entitled to appear in persor or make oral
or written submissions.  The appeal will be disposed off
within 30 days. If you are still aggrieved you can make a
second appeal to the State Information Commission within a
period of ninety days, and the said appeal will be disposed
off in another thirty days.

* Penalties: If the PIO has, without reasonable cause,
refused to receive your application for information, or has
not furnished you the Information within the stipulated
period, or has knowingly given incorrect, incomplete or
misleading information, or destroyed information available,
or obstructed in any manner the furnishing of information, he
could be liable to a penalty of Rs. 250 per day till the
application is received or information furnished subject to
an over all penalty limit of Rupees 25,000.

Exemption from disclosure of information: The Act provides
that there shall be no obligation to provide information that
would affect the sovereignity and integrity of India, in
strategic, scientific or economic interests; information
expressely forbidden by court of law which would lead to
contempt of court; information that could lead to breach of
privilege of parliament on legislature; information that may
endanger the life or physical safety of any person cabinet
papers including deliberation until the decision are made
public or complete etc.

The Act is a good beginning towards strengthening the
democratic set up in the 21st Century. Information availed
must be used for the betterment of society, and for public
cause rather than personal causes. Address the macro issues
and not your individual issues. By virtue of this Central
Act, the Right to Information is given to common citizens,
which right was otherwise available only to members of
legislative assemblies or parliament who can ask questions
from the floor of the Assembly or Parliament. As a commonman
and woman you now have access to files for inspection as well
as to notings on the file. 

The pen is now going to be mighter than the sword.

Circulated in public interest by the Lions Club of

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Goanet, building community, creating social capital for a decade.

GOANET-READER WELCOMES contributions from its readers, by way
of essays, reviews, features and think-pieces. We share
quality Goa-related writing among the 8000-strong readership
of the Goanet/Goanet-news network of mailing lists. If you
appreciated the thoughts expressed above, please send in your
feedback to the writer. Our writers write -- or share what
they have written -- pro bono, and deserve hearing back from
those who appreciate their work. GoanetReader welcomes your
feedback at
Goanet, building community, creating social capital for a decade.

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