Most land for proposed IT park at Soccoro barren, says panel

PORVORIM, MARCH 12 — The Secretary of the Socorro IT Project Awareness
committee Elman Dias has said that the land admeasuring 10,85,826 sq
meters offered by the Serula communidade at Rs 25 per sq meter to the
Info Tech Corporation of Goa Limited for IT park at soccoro is a
barren land and the vegetation is only on the slopes of the land.

Disclosing this to the press persons in a hotel at Povorim on Saturday
evening, Mr Dias said that some handful of people have started
spreading misinformation among the villagers that the site selected by
the government at Succoro for setting up of IT park is a forest land
and hence will be detrimental to the interest of villagers.
Hence, their committee members visited the site in the month of
February, 2006 and on inspection found that the most of the aforesaid
area is a barren land with the tropical trees and bushes around its
slopes only.
"After verifying the Survey Nos 268/1, 271/1, 273/1, 274/1, 275/1, and
277/1 it was observed by the committee that survey no 268/1
admeasuring 4,35,400 sq meters of land is partly shown as private
forest and in order to make up for this loss of area ITG thought to
acquire additional adjoining land bearing Survey no 271/0, 268/0,
297/0, and 267/0 in Salvador-do-Mundo admeasuring 2,68,800 sq meters
and all these additional areas  neither have tenant nor houses. The
land is clear for acquisition," informed Mr Dias.
Mr Dias stated that in 1989 the aforesaid site was notified by the
then Government as industrial area and the components of the Serula
Communidade in its General Body meeting held on November 6, 2005
passed a resolution offering the land of 10,85,826 sq metres to the
Government for IT project.
Further the Soccoro Panchayat in the gram sabha meeting held on
February 26, 2006 adopted a resolutions stating that IT project should
be encouraged in the panchayat area.
Mr Dias further informed that they have a received a letter from Info
Tech Corporation of Goa Limited stating that 30 per cent of the land
will be retained as green area, 10 per cent of the land will be
earmarked for institution, recreation etc and balance 60% of the land
will be utilized for IT park. The letter also states that this project
will have sewerage treatment plant and garbage plant and hence
drinking water wells in the village will not be affected.
Similarly, a new power sub-station will be erected on the site and the
sufficient water will be provided for the project by laying new
pipeline which will be connect to Tillari Project and no water will be
used from the village reservoirs.
Mr Dias also mentioned that they have requested the Information Tech
Corporation of Goa Ltd to reserve 80 per cent of the jobs for sons and
the daughters of the soils.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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