Senhor Jose Colaco,

Thanks a lot for the prompt response and clarifications but permit me to say 
some words.

1. How do we convince the portuguese authorities that certificates belonging 
to person A is true while that of B is false, problems in this world are many 
but very few solutions, and what should be the solution in this case?

2. What criteria should one follow firstly at the Portuguese consulate for 
nongoans who call themselves Portuguese Goans, here we are again , that means 
money has played an important role in availing such status to non goans by 
those crooks who work in the consulate and do not want to help the real 
goenkars, so back again Greasing plays an important role.

3.I wish someone like you could sponsor a ticket to my friend  to go to paris 
and lisbon for whom i m fighting for to get the portuguese nationality. 

The rest of your contents is worth reading and indeed true, but finally you 
must agree its not that easy even though you are born in 1960 or before to 
secure a portuguese Nationality , its not so easy to exercise your right  
being in Goa by us Goans at the Portuguese Consulate, as we do not throw money 
or grease palms as the Non goans do, some can afford and some can't and its 
not our fault that we cannot afford all we what we are asking is our right. 

I know there are many agents like the one in Margao at Borda who has been 
advertising like no one's business wonder how many have been successful 
through him? If you go the official route you may end up getting the 
nationality after your death, if you go the agents route one leg  is in the 
grave , so what does one do????? 

The only alternative way is to restructure the staff of the Consulate , change 
the old cloth into a new get new aggressive, honest polite , focussed, and 
above all helpful to Goans, there are many of such qualities but have never 
been given a chance to prove themselves , presently the staff in the consulate 
are very rude , not polite and they are all related to one another.

Who can take up this challenge??????

Dev Borem Korum 


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