Hmm, There you go again, trying to discredit the Indian Armed Forces.

Well, let me tell you that there is no contradiction whatsoever in the
Navys stance.  Firstly, the officers have been dismissed from the
Service by *the pleasure of the President* decree, and not as a result
of trial by Court Martial.  This is a rare occurance, but happens from
time to time. One of the Navy Chiefs was dismissed in year 2000 using
this decree. All officers of the Armed Forces serve at the pleasure of
the president and can be dismissed by him WITHOUT ASSIGNING REASONS.
This is different from a court martial, where the accused has a
defence lawyer, and the procedure is like a civil court in most ways.
The Navy board of Inquiry determined that the information was sold by
the officers to Shankaran, who was an agent for a foreign arms dealer.
 So it was obvious all along that foreigners were involved in the tail
end of that company.

If the dismissed officers are claiming that they were not afforded the
right to sit through the proceedings of the BOI and crossexamine
witnesses, its POPPYCOCK, because all Boards of Inquiry have to allow
the alleged accussed this facility as per Regulations for the Navy,
and the Navy Act. Incidentally,  Both these legal documents are based
upon and framed on the QR&AI--Queens Regulations and Admilralty

The Navy has nothing to hide, and in fact has punished the guilty quite 

regards, Gilbert Menezes

> Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 12:14:35 +0530
> From: "Philip Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Foreigners involved in War Room Leak: Navy
>  - Randeep Singh Nandal

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