Dear Mayuresh,

The law of the land says "Innocent, till proved guilty" .Tariq Ahmed Battlo 
Jalal [ NOT Tariq Anwar] has only been arrested as an ACCUSED. He is not yet 
proved to be a "Terrorist". Let the Goa Police and the judiciary first do its 
job. If he is proved to be a terrorist, then you can use the word to describe 
Battlo. News is not Police propaganda. Your report amounts to that. Hence, I 
have said that you have "joined the bandwagon". No personal imputations in 
that. Let the Goa Police do its job.

Some time back, six Goa College of Art students were labelled as "Rapists", 
then four were released, then the last two were acquitted. Did any journalist 
do reparations for the damage to their reputations, careers, lives?? Do 
journalists have the freedom to simply file "simple information" ?? What about 
Pratima Gaonkar?

On the other hand people photographed breaking name plaques, including our 
common friend Naguesh Karmali, remain innocent of any wrong doing. In fact, 
they even claim to be more-patriotic-than-thou as a result.

Freedom of the press has some responsibilities...unless I am sadly mistaken. 

Goa's demi-official gazette seems to have the defence of Parrikar still on its 
agenda, its owner attending the Public meeting of Congress Workers, 

Viva Goa.


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