On a lazy Sunday, the issue of migrants and outsiders came up again. Right
after lunch, I read the GT's weekender. Sheela Jaywant's column focussed
this week on the Goan attitude towards settlers in Goa. In her own
experience, she said that it took unusually long to make friends, and get
helpful tips, and it was only when she got a job, things began to change.
Now she's accepted and people are very nice to her and she thought this
attitude was a strange Goan way. A few pages later, there was the discussion
on the recent Sanvordem riots and the local politician Ramrao stated that
'outsiders' were responsible for the destruction of property belonging to
the Muslim community. Sujay Gupta, the editor of GT then asked Ramaro, "who
were the outsiders, and from where they were and if they were outsiders
indeed, how could they target just local Muslim property?" To which Ramrao
replied, 'they were from Margao, Vasco, Ponda and Panjim' bus did not answer
furthermore. So when we ask for regulation of migrants, outsiders, settlers,
who are we talking about? Where are the boundaries? If I step out of my own
room at my home, am I an outsider?

It seems that every time I write on a controversial topic, I get into
trouble! :-) But this time, I have no apologies, nor regrets, on my last
article titled ‘Migrants and Misinformation’. This evening, I got a mail
from a friend of a friend of a friend who sent me a write-up by Croydon in
response to my article that I wrote on Goanet last week. (His latest
write-up is reproduced below). It's obvious that Mr. Croydon did not get the
point and does not like criticism. :-) No problem! I can’t make him change
his views and his writing, and so can’t he. Mr. Madeira did not write to me

Clinton Vaz
Benaulim, Goa
+91 9860036828

Croydon's 1st Writeup in the Herald

My article on Migrants

Croydon's 2nd Writeup in the Herald

It is not surprising to know that Goa has now become a haven for terrorists,
shady character people,pimps,drug peddlars etc. Thanks to the lethargic
attitude of all our successive governments who turn a nelson's eye to the
growing problems we Goans face in our very own state.And then we also have
people like Clinton Vaz from Benaulim, who come out in support of migrants
just because he does not want to pay our local people a few rupees more to
get the same work done. Where are we heading??
Take for instance this terrorist Battlo who had gret plans for mass
destruction in Goa. What would have happened if he had to succeed?? Could
the government and people who support these migrants living here bring back
lives of people lost as a result of these terrorists dectructive plans?? No
matter what compensation the government gives it can never ever replace and
repair the grief of loosing a loved one.
And what about the psycological fear that lives on in the mids of the
affected people for years to come, can that be cured by giving a few pieces
of silver as compensation? The Kashmiris,Lamaanis, Bihari's dotting the
coastal belt of Goa with businesses of carpets,jewellery etc. are all fronts
for peddling drugs,women etc. You mean to say the governments don't know of
this?? They very well do.
Do you think the police and law enforcing machinery don't know of this??
They too very well know about what goes on in those dingy shacks and shops
by the coastal belt.They don't want to do anything about it because they get
their hands greased so well that when told to catch them they loose their
grip and their nerves start to give way and they all get temorary paralysis.
My fellow Goan brother & Sisters, Uncles & Aunties, Fathyers & Mothers &
today's most powerfull shaping force the YOUTH of today and future
of tommorrow WAKE UP. The next time you have these politicians coming to
your door step begging for votes see that they give assurance to rectify the
Jobs to only Goans in all industries, government offices, IT firms etc. Only
if they do not find any qualified goans then and only then people from
outside can be hired. In short one should get jobs purely on merit and not
by paying hefty bribes.
Do away with corruption right from the office boy level in governement
offices to Ministers and their chamchas.
Give full powers to anti corruption cell,CBI,Income Tax department to
conduct raids on anyone irrespective of their position or money & muscle
Law enforcing authorities like the Police etc. should be able to function by
themselves without any outside interference from local politicians. But at
the same time there should be guidelines for the law enforcing authorities
so that they do not misuse their powers and begin to harass
innocent people.These guidelines should be made public and an awareness
program should be held to make the general public aware of their
rights,duties and freedom they enjoy.
All government departments should be totally computerised. Applications in
all departments and enquiries should be attended to qwithin a period of 3
working days. People found to be present in the office but not on their
seats should be reported to a cell specially formed to handle this kind
of lethargy and punishment to these people should be stringent.
Basic amenities like electricity,water, cleanliness should be top most
priority and corporations/departements taking care of this should
be answerable to the public directly. For this to happen weekly meeting
should be held with responsible people from each department and the general
public of that constituency and the grieviencies they face. Action should be
intitiated within 4 days on all grieviencies come up in that week.
Security of people,property, etc. should be top most. Round the clock
patrolling should be held. Each and every house should be connected to a
circuit board at the police station of that area.In case of distress police
should know which family is in distress at the push of just a button.
Check to maintained on construction of new houses, buildings, villas
etc.Areas should be marked as no development zones in consultation with
general public of that area. This will help in maintaining a balance on
construction activities & maintaining natural habitat.
Leisure areas and play areas for young and old should be developed at a
nominal fee for maintainence and up keep.
Businesses found to be floundering rules set by a competitive department or
for not adhering to the purpose for which license has been obtained or for
not maintaining the highest level of cleanliness or for causing
inconvienience to the public should have thier license revoked and
permanantly shut down after a proper speedy investigation.
No migrants from any other part of the country should be allowed to purchase
land or set up shop in the state.
Littering of streets,spitting or chewing tobbacco, smoking in public places
other then in designated areas which should be many should attract a hefty
Public transport should be monitored to check that they do not stop at
unauthorised bus stops/stations to pick up passangers and cause hinderance
to traffic.
Multi storey parking facilities should built in every town/city to
accomodate the parking woes of the public.Nominal fee should be charged for
maintainence and upgrade  whenever needed.
These are some of the burning issues that need to be tackled in a right
fashion. We should see that the next time we vote for any of the candidates
that these issues are taken care of.If incase they are not taken care of the
public has the right to pull up the concerned public servant/politician to a
governing body which has to be set up only to summon and check/verify that
what has been promised is what is being done and not something else. 
This way you also employ more people by forming new governing bodies and at
the same time all politicians are held accountable thus improving the lives
of us GOANS.

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