> To avenge and prevent ghastly murders like that of Fr. Eusebio Ferrao in 
> Macazana, Salcette, Goa, I hereby urge the Congress Government of  Goa CM 
> Pratapsingh Rane and the leader of the opposition Manohar Parrikar to 
> declare that the perpetrators Amit Shukla and Manish Dhubey be arrested and 
> brought to Justice in Goa by widely televised "Public Stoning and 
> Cruxifiction Upside Down in the Margao Maidan" on Good Friday, 2006. 
> No long drawn out court cases for these murderers. If the Goa Police is not 
> capable of carrying out this punishment, may be they should seek the help of 
> the Government of Saudi Arabia.

In haste, let us not crucify justice. The accused have not been found guilty in 
a court of law.
Not yet at least. Two years ago or so, some boys were falsely accused in the 
Arts College "rape"
case. Their reputations shot and the vigilantes had them sentenced before a 
trial. Many have not
had the decency to withdraw their false accusations, including notable people 
who jumped on the
accusation bandwagon. The wheels of justice may not move at the same speed as 
the public's anger -
a good thing for a civilized society. 

P.S. It is not up to the Goa Police to carry out punishments - regardless of 
their interrogation
techniques. i.e. were the confessions coerced to please the public?  Let the 
trial determine
guilt. Also the Saudi govt.'s sense of justice should not be emulated in Goa 
(or any place for
that matter).

May Fr. Eusebio Ferrao rest in peace.


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