I do agree with Ms Carvalho that making the HIV Test mandatory is  an invasion 
of one's privacy.. But however, one has seriously consider that  in doing so , 
numerous innocent lives will be spared the anguish unfairly inficted upon them 
in unwittingly contracting the disease from a infected spouse..

  Have personally , in the course of practise, had a few patients who 
contracted the disease, unsuspectingly from their spouses.. Infact one 
paticular case involved a 25 yr old young woman, who agreed to an arranged 
marriage, contracted HIV from her husband , who expired from AIDS when she was 
4 months pregnant.. She however continued the pregnancy and since at the time 
there was no Prevention from Parent to Child programme(PPCTC), she breast -fed 
her child, and it was only later that both mother and child tested positive 
for the HIV virus.... Social stigma followed and she is now homeless having 
been thrown out by her in-laws.....

  At the very least , if the HIV Test isnt made mandatory , there should be a 
programme that motivates couples to undergo the test.. since it is in their 
best interest, i feel most will gladly agree..

  Despite medical advances and now the free availibility of ART, there is 
still a lack of a complete cure for AIDS..
  Better safe than sorry , right ??
  Dr Beverley De Sequeira..
  Dona Paula. 

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