From: Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
on Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Memories of another Panjim...

> Ah Esquimó! A delighful place for us kids with the
> aroma of vanilla floating around.  But then, you have
> forgotten Café Central and the Jesuit Chapel -  when
> we used to go for mass at noon at the Jesuit Chapel
> ("Missa dos ossiósos" or the "Mass for the lazybones",
> as one of my cousins used to say), the aroma of baji
> puri and samosas that used to waft upwards used to
> make my mouth water (the Jesuit Chapel was situated
> directly over Café Central, in the old building).

Gabriel: Was it a "Missa dos ossiósos" (ociosos) or "Missa dos preguiçosos?


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