|                  Read V.M. de Malar's latest Column:                   |
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|                          Politics of Destruction                       |
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|     http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=416    
On Thu Mar 23 07:47:12 PST 2006 Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:

> However, I don't think an AIDS test is a deterrent to
> marital sex. These men will visit prostitutes after they
> married and will infect their wives. That much we can be
> off.

RESPONSE: A tad-bit presumptious but I understand "These
men" is a reference to "Goan motorcycle pilots" that were
earlier referenced by Gilbert.

You don't appear to see any merit in the Government's
requirement to encourage couples to take a pre-marital HIV
test. These same couples may have indulged in pre-marital
sex with each other and/or several partners and in doing so
may already be HIV+. If HIV+ people are treated at
government-run hospitals like the GMC, it's the average Goan
who has to pay for the treatment via their taxes.

If the relationship results in children, who are in turn
HIV+ - that becomes a social problem now. There is an NGO in
Goa that looks after such kids. The name fails me now. Maybe
Tony Barros can help me out.

Why do priests send prospective brides and grooms to
marriage counselling courses ? Would that be seen as an
invasion of privacy too?

Why do some employers ensure their newly-hired employees go
through a thorough medical exam ?? Who bears the cost of
treatment when employees fall ill? What about the cost of
absence from work ?

Why do Goans and others go thru a battery of tests before
getting that visa stamped on their passport to the desert
kingdoms of the Gulf ?? Again, those governments do not want
to bear the cost of treating an individual who is HIV+ or
has (had) TB at some time.

Read about the plight of this Indian:


Yes, people in the pathology biz will make a quick buck and
probably some at the marriage registrar offices too.

Yes, education is the best means to handle the HIV epidemic.
Is success tangible in a society like India where literacy
levels vary and HIV infections are exploding to epidemic

Living in Toronto in 2003 when SARS broke out, people of all
stripes were scared. Even the ArchBishop sent out an order
that the faithful should not exchange the sign of peace
during Mass, mind you after sitting/standing for 45 mins
next to the same person. Didn't make sense then, does not
make sense now.

Best - Bosco
T-dot, CA

March 24 - World Tuberculosis Day - The bigger killer

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