|                  Read V.M. de Malar's latest Column:                   |
|                                                                        |
|                          Politics of Destruction                       |
|                                                                        |
|     http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=416    
----JoeGoaUK writes:
> The Priest, the Cook, the Guests & the Alcohol
> Now that police nabbed the 2 murderers, the motive 
> behind the murder seems still remains suspicious.
> Some questions still remain un-answered (and may 
> always remained un-answered due to the special case 
> or treatment as this is a church matter)
> The priest is 61
> The cook is 20
> The guests- Manish 20 & Amit 28.
Mario writes:
As someone who hides behing an alias on Goanet, you
have now descended into the sewer with your vile
insinuations about Fr. Eusebio.  How did your twisted
mind even go there?
You deserve brickbats and rotten eggs because what you
have attempted is character assassination.  Without
the slightest evidence, just mindboggling speculation,
you are trying to rob a person of the only meaningful
asset he leaves behind - his character and good name. 
This is incredibly reprehensible behavior when the
person being accused, falsely according to those who
know him, is incapable of defending himself.
I find it amazing that the people who know him
personally, like Basilio and Elisabeth, vouch for his
exemplary character and selfless generosity, while
those who don't know him, like you and Afra Dias and
Godfrey Gonsalves, are busy besmirching his character
and memory.  
How would you like some total strangers to destroy
your name after you die?  Think about it.

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