|                  Read V.M. de Malar's latest Column:                   |
|                                                                        |
|                          Politics of Destruction                       |
|                                                                        |
|     http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=416    
> It appears that Mario Goveia and others are more for
> criminal's  rights that victim's rights - all in 
> the name of justice.
Mario responds:
Carmo, the above allegation is false.  You seem
confused by the difference between the legal process
that I prefer, with a public lynching that you seem to
think is a victim's right.  I hope you, or someone you
love, are never mistakenly identified and put in a
position to be judged by people like you.  That is
what the legal system is designed to avoid.
Carmo continues:
> If they implement fair and fast track justice system
> in the US, most of the trial lawyers will go 
> bankrupt. That's the problem here - 
Mario responds:
What you had suggested is for the Goa "government" to
declare the suspects guilty, followed by one of two
barbaric forms of public lynching.  You have never
suggested a fair trial, which is what the judicial 
system requires.  BTW, the US system is not based on
your notion of testicular virility, but to protect
every individual from the barbaric ideas of people who
think like you.  When someone is executed in the US we
know for sure that they were guilty beyond any
reasonable doubt.  Then they are executed as humanely
as possible.
BTW, I strongly suggest you carefully re-read what
Derek has written.  The young man seems far wiser than
his Uncle, and, probably out of respect, he has
accepted at face value your patently bogus claim that
you did not suggest bypassing the judicial system. 
However, he is obviously unfamiliar with the US system
of justice, which is based on protecting the least
among us from wrongful conviction by those with
testicular virility. 

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