I have been reading Mario's comments on Portuguese Passport issue, some supporting him on this topic well and good. I will never be able to agree with him on this topic not because he is against this issue but because he is ignorant and tries to confuse everything and everyone on the net with his stories.

Today what we are witnessing in Goa is not because of our Fault but because , people like Mario will see these happen and not do a thing, if he is so much patriotic , let him feed the street children, provide electricity to those villages, improve on water and sanitation, proper medical facilities, reduce unemployment, do away with corruption, reduce crimes , murders, rapes, improve the security of the entire Goa state and the people at large, do away with substandard outsiders who have ulterior motives by coming to Goa, protect our churches, protect our priests. Do away with corrupt politicians who have criminal records, we have seen all these happen but we run after the Portuguese, we cannot solve our own problems of Goa but ready to take on others, convincing articles are written and its just nice to read them, awareness in those articles is missing like " let's all get together and do something " lets fight it out and protect this state, firing missiles on those articles which have some value is our trademark, we are only to undermine and criticise articles which speak the truth. Why can't Mario (if he is such a great and true patriot do something with these issues?)For those who have shown affinity towards portuguese passport and culture we have to praise them as they are open about it, but guys like you who show so much energy of patriotism , prove to us a case study of how much you have contributed in improving the degrading , indigestive, corrupt , criminalising , muderous, soceity which Goa is now in????

If you can't prove then please don't criticise Portuguese , on the contrary ask Goenkars if they have to be helped and see if you can help them in any way.

Shall wait for your reply, not merely to have a fight or argument with you , but just to throw light on the real facts of life in Goa.

Sunil Monteiro

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