Elizabeth Carvalho wrote:<My sentence and syntax are clear. I said undertake gender specific accommodations, for a child with spina bifidia.>

Dear Elizabeth,

Do forgive my being "thick" this evening (here) but could you please expand on what you mean by " undertake gender specific accommodations, for a child with spina bifidia"; assuming that we are 'talking' about "termination"

Despite having worked with Spina Bifida for many years, and having PGed in a country with one of the highest incidences of Spina Bifida in the world ..... I am lost with the phrase "gender specific accommodations for a child with Spina Bifida".


Secondly wrt this from me (earlier)

JC "1: Physicians who participate in shameful exercises e.g. Ultrasound Scan to determine gender so that Termination of Female foetuses can be terminated .....are a disgrace to the Medical Profession. They are also the scum of the earth."

You wrote : < I disagree. It is not the job of physicians to police reproductive rights or choices.>

JC again: I actually agree with you that "It is not the job of physicians to police reproductive rights or choices". Did you actually disagree with my statement above?


Elizabeth also wrote: < In India at least, the u/s technician operates quite often independently of the attending OBGYN. The OBGYN may not have a clue as to why the parents are seeking to abort a fetus.>

JC : That is absolutely possible.  But wrt the story in reference ...... ?

In conclusion, I actually agree with most of what you have written. I am even willing to accept that in the vast majority of cases " OBGYN may not have a clue as to why the parents are seeking to abort a fetus".

Utterly Strange as it sounds to me .....

good wishes and all the best


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