     Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of     
                       Mapusa of the 1950s                        
Poll or Survey: Your opinion Counts 

After so many updates etc, I feel, its time now to seek your opinion.
This poll is open to all. This is ideal for our silent members too.

In a recently conducted survery/poll, there were about 259 votes which were 
voted as
follows: This was as on Feb.15, 2006.

38 people say they like post which would remind them of Past/Goa or Childhood.
36 people they would prefer mix use of English and Konkani in the posts
20 people like to have more of Konkani Songs.
17 people say post are some times informative and sometiems boring.
6  people say they prefer in english only
4  people say the language used here is sometimes bit rude.

There is plenty other thing people said visit the polling station and find out
yourself. You know the results instantly.

Each one of you is entile to your opinion.
So, you can cast your vote too.
Remember, it is secret, neither I nor any body else knows who vote what.
If you have already voted, you can even change your vote here. e.g. if you did 
find my posting bit of rude before but now you find rude then you can change it 
You can vote as many times but the last one will be treated valid and all the
previous one ignored or not counted in the total votes.

Remember, by doing this, you are helping me too. 'Every little helps'

Please visit here and cast your vote now..


this may take you there directly

Any problem in voting, pl let me know.

Thank for your help.

  for Goa & NRI related info...
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

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