     Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of     
                       Mapusa of the 1950s                        
Dear all:
Please bear with this correction to the previous email...
It looks like football games in Portugal have caused some more changes in 
timings for the Episode 6 :-(
According to the current RTP website, the new timings for Contacto Goa Episode 
6, to be broadcast on Sunday, Apr 9th and Monday, Apr 10th are:
RTP International (for viewers in India & outside Portugal): 
INDIA time
Sun Apr   9: at 6:45PM (half an hour earlier)
Mon Apr 10: at 9:00AM (same as before)
RTP Africa (for viewers in Portugal): 
Sun Apr   9: at 6:00PM (half an hour earlier)
We don't know if these timings will continue through the rest of the series 
and will inform you of these changes whenever we can. Bear with us (and RTP!)
Desmond (for the CG team)

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