     Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of     
                       Mapusa of the 1950s                        
Workshop in Goa to address trafficking, selective abortions

Indian journalists will participate in an upcoming workshop focusing on
two pressing human rights issues: human trafficking and the selective
abortions of females.

The workshop is scheduled for April 23 and 24 in Goa, and about 50
journalists have already been selected to participate. The Indian human
rights group Shakti Vahini is organizing the event with support from the
UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).

The workshop will help the journalists learn more about covering the
issues of human trafficking and female feticide. Trafficking of human
beings is increasing in South Asia, and as many as 90 percent are women
and girls taken across borders for prostitution or sexual slavery.

Female feticide is the selective abortion of female fetuses when
families would prefer a male. It is a problem in India and other
countries where families favor males, partly so they will not have to
pay a dowry upon marriage.

A recent study by the British medical journal The Lancet found that
about one in every 25 female fetuses is aborted in India - or about
500,000 per year. The practice has deeper implications for society, as
there are about nine girls born for every 10 boys in India.

Shakti Vahini: http://www.shaktivahini.org/
UNIFEM: http://www.unifem.org/.




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