Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of Mapusa of the 1950s http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=426 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello Goanetters,
NGOs and concerned individuals,

I hereby humbly implore the CM and the Govt. of Goa as a whole, to promulgate an 'Ordinance' if required, to mange the havoc and mindless death on Goa's Roads, and bring about sanity, with immediate effect.

The Govts in India, at the Centre and in the States have always 'ruled' or tried to Rule, by Ordinance, as the same is allowed under the Indian Constitution. I feel that sometimes these Ondinances have been promulgated for non urgent, party politics and other not so useful purposes. The most recent case being that related to Planning in Goa! This Ordinance was so absurd that the people decided to stir and the Govt. had to retreat!

So many people are dying, getting injured and even maimed on Goa's Roads that I feel that an Ordinance needs to be promulgated to remove all the loopholes if any, in the existing law, and effect compliance, at all times, by all drivers, all pedestrians, and by the Authorites like the Traffic Police and the Road Construction people, and above all the RTO.

This Govt. Dept. called RTO is in a shambles, and in a laissez faire mood 24/7, and is totally incompetent, as also their advisers. All in this RTO, from top to bottom, should be sacked fortwith and a wholly new entity should be created, and execution and compliance should be sought in a war like manner. The war on this front must be won, before more and more of our people will die due to non compliance, or for no fault of theirs.

I feel that an 'Ordinance' is required to effect all of the above. As such, I plead for the participation of all the MLAs of all Political Pursuations, towards this noble cause and endorse and effect the Govt. Plan/ Programme, in toto. Those not for this should be isolated by PEOPLE POWER!

I would also like all our news and other media players and journalists to join in, in this war on Road Terror. Television is the most powerful media, and is so popular that it should be made full use of, in getting the safety message across. So far, I notice that this medium has not been tapped into at all, to educate and or enforce. What a pity.

I do earnestly hope that the CH Minister and his GOvt. will act before the end of next week; or else the people, and PEOPLE POWER should goad the GOVt. into this type of action. Or should I/ we push Churchill Alemao to cause trembling knees in Govt.?? :-) :-)

VIVA GOA! Long Live the Safety of Our People, on our Roads and everywhere!

Will the Govt. ACT or NOT?

Nascimento Caldeira
Down Under

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