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-----Original Message-----
From:  Bernado Colaco
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dr. Rosendo Ayres Ribeiro, a Goan,was the first
private medical practitioner in Nairobi
Now do not mix apples with oranges, ie.: Goans and Indians are different
fruits. Many African de Africa  friends call me Goan and not Indian.

There are some in East Africa who would subscribe with BC's view.
Coincidentally from The Kenya Times of today: 

Indian 'nation' of commerce. By David G. Maillu 
13 Apr: 2006. Kenya Times. Excerpts

 . The Indian nation, imposed on Kenyans by the British colonial
kleptomania, brought three distinct communities, The Hindu, the Goan,
and the rest. Initially, these three groups have lived with practical
dislike for one another. The Goans, coming from the Christian colony,
were actually the first ones to be sympathetic with the natives,
perhaps, because they found comrades sharing the same religion. They
expressed their solidarity even through marriage at a time the other two
groups protected their women the way lions protect their young ones from
predators . 

Footnote to article:

The author is a renown with an international acclaim. He holds Doctorate
in African Literature and Political Philosophy. 

Full text at: http://www.timesnews.co.ke/13apr06/insight/ins1.html

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