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> He was wounded for our transgressions; He was
> bruised for our
> iniquities.  --Isaiah 53:5
> A man who was deeply troubled by his sins was having
> a vivid dream in
> which he saw Jesus being savagely whipped by a
> soldier. As the cruel
> scourge came down upon Christ's back, the onlooker
> shuddered, for the
> terrible cords left ugly, gaping wounds upon His
> bleeding, swollen body.
> When the one wielding the lash raised his arm to
> strike the Lord again,
> the man rushed forward to stop him. As he did, the
> soldier turned, and
> the dreamer was startled to see his own face!
> He awoke in a cold sweat, conscious that his sin had
> inflicted this
> grievous punishment upon the Savior. As he thought
> of Christ's
> suffering, he remembered these words in Isaiah 53:5,
> "He was wounded for
> our transgressions, He was bruised for our
> iniquities; the chastisement
> for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we
> are healed."
> How wonderful that the Lord Jesus Christ suffered
> and died to redeem a
> sinful and lost world! He was wounded for our
> transgressions. "All we
> like sheep have gone astray," but praise God, "the
> Lord has laid on Him
> the iniquity of us all" (Isaiah 53:6).
> In one sense, Good Friday was the darkest day in
> human history. But
> because of Jesus' sacrifice for us, the cross was
> actually the greatest
> victory of all the ages!  
> Wounded for me, wounded for me,
> There on the cross He was wounded for me;
> Gone my transgressions, and now I am free,
> All because Jesus was wounded for me.  --Ovens
> Christ was delivered for our sins that we might be
> delivered from our
> sins.

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