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--- JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have seen that some dirty tricks are also played
> here such as name calling again and again which is 
> like two dogs tearing a chunk of meat into pieces. 
Mario observes:
The only dirty tricks on this subject has been the
attempted character assassination of a murdered 
priest who cannot defend himself, by JoeGoaUK (who is
afraid to disclose his own name), and two other
Goanetters before him, who have thankfully stopped
their sordid insinuations, whereas JoeGoaUK is
apparently determined to continue.
JoeGoaUK writes:
> I have been there and saw it all (don't necessarily
> rely on 'hearsay').
Mario observes:
Are you saying you saw Fr. Eusebio engaging in
inappropriate sexual behavior?  If you did not,
anything else you have seen means nothing to the
subject of this thread.
JoeGoaUK continues his character assassination:
> Do you believe and strongly believe that there is no
> priest in Goa who..
> Is involved in sexual abuse of children (below 18)?
> If ans is 'yes' to any one abv then can you please
> stand up now ?
> If 'No' to any of above, can you please  raise your
> hand now ?
Mario replies:
None of these general questions about "priests" have
anything to do with Fr. Eusebio or the murder of Fr.
Eusebio, which is the subject of this thread.
There are Goanetters who knew him or have family
members who knew him, who have publicly vouched for
his character.  Are you calling them liars?  Unless
you or anyone else has some specific evidence about
Eusebio's character why are YOU working so hard to
besmirch his character?
Why don't you stick to reported facts, and let the
legal system take it's course.
JoeGoaUK asks:
> What ever may be the truth, it must come out so
> that..
Mario responds:
I agree.  But your insinuations do not represent the
truth.  Whatever truth can be determined by the
available evidence will come out during the trial.

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