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> --- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > I have given up trying to figure out the
> > mindset. I believe the Latin used by Francis
> > Rodrigues, previously, says it all?
> >  
--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Gabe. Good to know that regular Goanetters
> have figured it out on their own.
Mario clarifies:
Goanetters may be confused by these cryptic comments
by Gabe and Santosh, here seen conspiring to deflect
attention from what was really said.
Shown below is the text of Santosh's comments of April
11 to a humorous question by RKN, referring to me and
following remarks made by Nasci Caldeira that
appreciated my standing up to the assorted agnostics,
scientists, philosophers and other superior intellects
on Goanet - hardly "common people":-)
There is an emotional need among some common people to
put this other group of common people in their place,
at least in their own eyes. This old emotional need
has now become a political and ideological movement.
It is like the common bully acting out against the
common nerd in the real world. In such a world
language and behavior have no bar. (end)
Since these comments fit so closely with my opinion of
Santosh's "modus operandi" on Goanet, I commented that
it reminded me of a pot calling a kettle black.
Santosh then plaintively appealed to his good friend,
Gabe, for help, feigning confusion as to what I had
meant and referring to me as "this guy".  Gabe,
obviously without a clue, then attempted a weak and
puerile insult about my "mindset" and pretending to
understand Latin, which led to Santosh's response,
both shown above. 
Some people never learn.

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