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Hi Goanetters, 

Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> observes:

Judas did betray Christ - Pope Benedict XVI.  See
attached report.  Excerpt:

"Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday recounted the Biblical
betrayal of Jesus by Judas, calling the apostle a
double-crosser for whom "money was more important than
communion with Jesus, more important than God and his

Benedict's traditional depiction of Judas came during
his Holy Thursday homily, a week after the release of
an ancient Egyptian Coptic text dubbed the ‘Gospel of
Judas,’ in which Judas is portrayed not as Christ’s
betrayer but as his confidant who was doing his will
by handing him over to his enemies to be crucified."
(end of excerpt) 
Afra says;

Neither of the above statements are correct.
1. who do you trust with your money a greedy person or a trustworthy.
2. Why was Judas given the Accountants job? 
a) because Jesus trusted him.
b) he did not belong to the same area as the other apostles.
c) he was Jesus's favourite.
3) Judas was not handling his own money to sell Jesus to boost his personal 
income, he was given the job by all the other 11 apostles and Jesus, because 
they trusted him, he did a job which the others did not want or could not do.
4. Did Judas go to the Rabbi on his own account OR was he pushed.
a) did he volunteer to do the job the others did not want to do?
b) being an accountant he thought he had more logic than the others.
c) a scapegoat, and still is?
5. Was Judas despatched on behalf of Jesus to make peace with the main stream 
Religion, because Saul and the rest were stoning the followers of Jesus and 
Jesus did not want any more bloodshed in his name?

Was Benedict there to be 100% sure of what happened?
The Gosples was written after Jesus died, not during his lifetime.
The Epileptic (St) Paul blamed the devil for his headaches and fits.
There are more than 4 Gosples.
Why the Gosple of St Thomas not followed in India?


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