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One of the stalwarts of Konkani stage who is creating ripples all around Konkani world by depicting wonderful comedy on Konkani Stage is Jesus Antao who is currently in Kuwait to take part in the Tiatro “Arxeant Hanslo Arxeant Roddlo” on 21st Aprill 2006 written and directed by Salu Faleiro. Since he is in Kuwait I had an opportunity to talk to him directly and pen down here my observation on him. His full name is Jose Jesus Antao born and brought up in Chinchinnim Goa. He started acting in Tiatros while in school only at St. Bosco High School in his locality. He first acted in Geoge Fernandes of Raia’s Tiatro “Dusman” which was according to Jesus a hit in Goa during that time somewhere around 25 years back. From here he was picked up by Menino de Bandar for his record breaking show “Succorrine” which was staged for 240 times in and outside Goa. While acting in Soccorrine, Jesus Antao’s fame went far and wide and immediately he was offered comedy roles in his Plays by the late Goan Shakesphere Dr. Rosario Rodrigues. Then he acted in other directors’ dramas namely A.M. Pacheco, Rose Ferns, Mike Mehta, Vitorino Pereira, Mario Menezes, Pascoal Rodrigues, Rosario Dias, Jr. Nelson, Christopher Leitao and Maxy Pereira.

As a tiatrist performing comedy roles Jesus Antao travelled many parts of India and Gulf namely Pune, Bombay, Mangalore, Orissa, Nagpur, Karwar, Ratnagiri, Malwan, Qatar, Muscat, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Kuwait.

Besides acting in Tiatros, comedian Jesus Antao has produced 5 Audio Albums namely “Aum MP”, “Sagvad”, “Repeat Repeat”, “Money Order” and “Holiday”. These Albums comprised Songs and Jokes. Additionally, he has also produced 2 VCD’s, one “Axirvad” and the other “Bhudvont Jak Inas”.

Because of his excellence in performing comedy roles, he was awarded by Kala Academy once and honoured and felicitated by number of organizations in Goa and in the Gulf too.

While Jesus Antao was on peak of his form, on 15th February 1990 he met with a serious road accident while returning from late night show at Ponda. In this accident he suffered severe head injuries and multiple fractures to the leg and collarbone. For 38 days he was lying in comma at GMC from where he was then shiftwed to Jaslok hospital in Bombay and finally with the grace of God his life was saved. For this recovery he praises God and thanks all his well wishers for their prayers.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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