* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
                   to virtually any part of the world.

This is all a fallout of  population growth, peoples self interest and rising aspirations,
corruption,  Politicians  perfecting the art of dividing people and
inability  of the government to impose the Law. Take one example:
These are by law, not permitted on the Highway.  Village roads, like
Porvorim, have Chogm Road, Highway 17  running  through now densely
populated and commercial areas. Other  similar areas on Highways in Goa, have not only
one speed breaker, but  sometimes  two to six together (Rumblers) that jolt
even any slow moving vehicle  and their occupants violently!.  No standard is followed. So if speedbreakers are  likewise not put in Porvorim, which are  essential to save lives, that is discrimination and also is against the law! Go to court and it will go by the law. So either  knock off all the speedbreakers in Goa and loose more lives, or ensure traffic follows rules   like slowing down before Zebra crossings, traffic Islands/crossings, where there are speed
limits etc .  Due  to our politicians ,  police and  incompetent , selfish ,indisciplined, speed crazy drivers,such  enforcement , we have experienced  is a lost cause! Speed is the new mantra.Even the petrol is  called Speed! So we need speed  breakers on the Highways passing through now heavily populaated areas!. Or  build  by passes/overhead bridges so highway traffic neednt  slow down.
Democracy is not just elections and governments, but institutions that work/deliver. Citizens that are worthy and preferably  not only qualified, but educated!
.There is absence of short and long term traffic and infrastructure
planning  guided by  professionals  with good local knowledge.People are
important, and planning has to be  from the bottom up! Here it is  UPSIDE DOWN,
with vested interests, I  Me and MINE syndrome   and corruption ( covers  Driving Schools,  buying driving liscences, non liscenced/minors driving, bribing ,PWD  works, etc)to the
fore. The bottom are  not consulted, conned  or taken for granted. People
naturally want to live in peace with like minded neighbours, who share the
same language , culture, customs and festivals . So societies and colonies
come up that further divide people.There are  also  colonies of illegal
constructions, but with water and electricity connections and even
floodlights. There are vehicles and drivers coming from here also.Recently Goa 365, which is turning out to be a proactive  TV news channel, showed a Margao settlement, where our  Goa cabinet decided to cut off water/electricity to its illegal constructions. Some  residents
stated that they have been there for six years. Who gave them permissions, assured
regularisation, and why should  the poor labour class, women ,children,the
aged living there now suffer and not those responssible for this settlement
coming up in the first place?
It is all a result of appaling  governance and injustice.  Residential buildings /shops are
still coming up today, without  any space provided for parking vehicles,  government drivers,
VIPs  think they dont have to follow rules.Elementary road rules are not followed/implemented. Few give way to traffic coming  from the right, going uphill,coming from a side road onto the highway, slowing down at Zebra crossings, overtaking from the left, non dipping of headlights at night etc.
Residential colonies  are turned  into commercial areas ,gaddas at every corner and so on .The
notions of an engaged and  virtuous citizenship upon which our Constitution
is based appear archaic concepts. Unless we can  be good citizens, produce educated leaders, control our population, stamp out corruption, implement the laws without
discrimination, understand we have to ask"Development at what cost and
to/for whom!", Unless we can lessen the gap between the aspiring poor and
filthy rich, both  wanting more and more. I would agree with Woody
Allen "Mankind is at the crossroads. One path leads to despair,the other to
utter helplesness". However lets think positive.NOTHING  IS TOO LATE TILL THE  TIRED HEART CEASES TO PALPITATE?.
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