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Hi Nasci,

I am not disputing your right to be sexist or your right to religious 
chauvinism (to put it
mildly). Please don't misunderstand me. I am hopeful that a young man like you 
(I think you are
about 60) will in time cross from the backwaters of intolerance to the 
progressive shores of

Not to belabor a point but this is what you initially wrote "I am reproducing 
the 'CREED' which is
what Christians believe and pledge, as part of the Faith, on an everyday 
basis."  Christians DO
NOT  believe what you wrote, Roman Catholics (yes they are Christians) believe 
what you wrote. As
I indicated there are VARIOUS Christian creeds. Now try and be grateful for 
having learnt

> Are Catholics not Christian? 

The short answer is yes. Are post-Vatican II Catholics more Catholic than the 
current lot?  Since
you were born before Vatican II, which Nasci is the better Catholic - pre or 
post Vatican II? 

> So whatever Catholics profess is automatically Christian! 

Catholics do not profess with one voice. Some believe in the Latin rite, others 
don't. Some
believe in women priests, others don't. Some believe in married priests, others 
don't. Which
Catholics are you referring to?

>  Did you not hear about the 'Cult killings of children in a village in N. 
> India, as early
>  as this past week, 

Did you hear about the all the crimes Christians committed this week all over 
the world?  I did,
pick up any newspaper or turn to any channel on television.
> Let me tell you: Jesus is the Answer! inspite of all the Church's perceived 
> faults or mistakes.
> OK?

Which Jesus? There are so many different versions, it is hard to keep track. Or 
are we all to
believe Nasci's version of Jesus?  Btw, the current version of Jesus is not the 
answer (as
practiced today by the right-wing fundamentalists and the Christian right in 
the USA). In fact the
historical Jesus would not have probably shown up at the pomp and ceremony of 
the Pope's' election
last year. And if he did, he might have been surprised at what has become of 
the religion he
> With regards George! I am not against you, per se!

Me too. I am in interested in ideas, correct ideas if I may say so. People bore 
me, some
cyber-Goans even more so since they do not do their homework and then become 


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