Dear friends,

I write to record my deep appreciation of the time and  effort Mr. Domnic 
Fernandes has put into his articles on Mapusa which are masterpieces on the 
history and culture of the Goa of recent past which he has put down from his 
experiences and memories.

The efforts of Mr. Fernandes, whom I do not know personally, reflects his deep 
and altruistic  interest in sharing a part of Goan culture with the youth of 
today...especially in a community spread over so many lands and different 

His earlier articles on the 'Dukar' and 'Marriage customs of Goans' were also 
extremely enlighten and informative. I am looking forward to more such 
renderings from his pen.

We in Pakistan are deeply indebted to him and goanet for affording him and us 
the opportunity of sharing and learning.

Being a journalist myself, I know it is not easy to write on period pieces. 
The present generation of the Goan community in Karachi, at least those below 
30 years do not know of this Goa and a very large percentage have not visited 
the land of their forefathers as it involves a long procedure for getting a 
visa ( especially after the Indian Consulate was closed down in Karachi during 
the tenure of Benazir Bhutto) which is only issued in Islamabad, about 1,600 
kilometers away!!! Then the reporting to police at Bombay and Goa also puts 
one off.

Furthermore, Visa applications of Goans born anywhere in Pakistan, even though 
they hold Canadian/US/British or Australian Passports are referred to India by 
the Indian  Embassies/Consulates and the visa takes months to be issue. I 
learnt this lately from my wife's relatives who had come to Pakistan from 
Canada after over twenty years and who have NEVER visited Goa in their lives ( 
they are senior citizens now).

I hope our friend, the famous Goan journalist, Mr. Fredrick Noronha, can 
highlight this aspect in his articles. There should be a special concession to 
Catholic Goans of Pakistani origin to visit their homeland. The Parsi 
community have this arrangement and they are issued visas within a week by 
courier service.

I am eagerly awaiting Mr. Domnic Fernandes'  book, which I believe is to be 
published in the near future.

Warm regards,

Michael Ali
Karachi, Pakistan

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