
While you acknowledge the gross problems with the
reservations system, I do not believe your proposals
address the fundamental flaws of the reservations
system in the first place. I cannot accept the
propagation if new injustices to make up for
injustices that occured hundreds of years ago.

As you mentioned, India has had its reservations
policy for 5 decades and has not had much to show for
it. The state of Bihar which has "benefitted" the most
from this misguided reservations policy is not
something I would look forward to for the rest of the
nation. Likewise, India has theoretically had free
primary education for many decades, but its literacy
rate is still in the trash pile. I dont see how
extending this policy for another 20 years will change
things. Providing crappy basic educational resources
for the disadvantaged and then, later in their lives,
lavishing them with high end educational resouces and
jobs that they cannot handle later makes absolutely no
sense to me.

Rather than excluding (via reservations) India's best
and brightest from the top education they deserve, the
goal should continue to be to expand the quality and
availability of primary and secondary education to the
economically deprived classes. India has lagged far
behind most of its asian competitors in making quality
primary and secondary education and the necessary
economic support accessible to its deprived youth. 
 The criterion for economic support should be a
clearly definable economic status, not some fuzzy
factor like cast or freedom fighter status as is the
case for some of our Goan heros. I understand that
after years of neglect, there was a significant
increase in spending for basic education in this
year's budget.

We need to think win-win for the qualfied and for the
deprived. The resevations policy is a dubious win for
the deprived and a definate loss for the qualified.

--- Aristo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Elizabeth, George and Jason,
> It is such a pleasant change to see an interesting
> and civilised debate such 
> as this, that I am compelled to finally make my
> debut on Goanet, after a 
> significant stint of being a silent observer, put
> off by all the juvenility. 
> I see that both sides of the camp have some valid
> points that have left me 
> more confused than a little time ago, when I was
> staunchly against 
> reservation. But after a few google searches of
> statistics, some personal 
> contemplation of my personal experiences, and a
> re-read of chapter 4 of Shashi 
> Tharoor’s “INDIA: From Midnight to the Millennium”,
> here are my thoughts:

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