Not so fast Elisabeth! Rolling over based on opinions is not for "Huttons." They only roll over based on facts. Neither Avelino nor Victor explain the disparity of the reviews on "Holy Warriors" that was posted.

Khushwant Singh (very renowned in his own right): "This is vividly brought out in Edna Fernandes's powerful book. Holy Warriors is as fair and objective an assessment of the perils that lie ahead for India as any that I have ever read. It is a must for all of those who wish this country to prosper as a secular democracy."

Dear Gilbert,
Why do you expect me to explain the disparity between the reviews? Must two reviewers think alike? My novel and my short story collection have been praised by some reviewers, and panned by some others. Sometimes, the same qualities that pleased one reviewer displeased another. An author has to take this sort of thing in stride.
On your second point, Khushwant Singh is renowned in his particular fields; is he renowned in the field that is pertinent to an appraisal of this book, to the same extent that your bete-noir, Mehta, is?
You have invited various individuals to review the book as well. Some have accepted. Were I to write about the book, no sensible person would consider it a review, because I do not have sufficient expertise to judge a book of this character; anything I wrote would be merely an _expression_ of personal opinion, and not to be judged in the same league as Dr. Mehta's!
Anyone who writes a professional book deserves a professional review. I believe our author got one. You do not like it because it was unfavourable. Other reviews may surface in time that are more to your liking, but that will in no way change Dr. Mehta's position. He wrote what he felt he needed to write.

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