Oh Elections!

Every five years or less, we exercise our most sacred
fundamental right to elect a new government to rule
us. This Govt. as per definition of our constitution
is supposed to be, "By the people, Of the people, For
the people". But, I would like to amend it by adding,
"But, nothing to the people".

Corruption from grass-root to the highest level;
Population growth at an alarming rate; In-efficient,
un-trained police force and other govt. staff, who
only know their political masters; are few legacies of
our democratic set up created by our beloved
representatives whom we devotionally and emotionally
elect. The irony is that we keep electing the same
person from one term to 'Till death parts us' times.

In U.S.A., nobody can contest an election for more
than two terms, for the same post. You can start from
the grass-root level and finally wind up as the
President of the nation or vice-verse. Secondly, a
person who is not of American origin by birth can
never ever dream of becoming the President or the
Vice-President. They can contest for any other post.
Sadly, ours is not an American constitution and Mr. L.
K. Advani was born in Bharat and not in Italy.

"India needs at least 10 years of civil dictatorship",
are the most famous words of Netaji Subash Chandra
Bose. And he paid a very high price for saying so.
Today, I say to you that we need at least 20 to 25
years of civil dictatorship to undo the mess our
politicians have created from the time of

If we are ever to achieve the vision set by our
President to make India a developed nation by the year
2020, first we have to reform our political, judicial,
police, bureaucratic, educational systems coupled with
social-economic reforms.

Will our most beloved politicians ever do this?, is a
billion dollars question. Jai Hind.

by Oscar F.

This article was published on Navhind Times dated 01st
February, 2004 in the Cyber Voices column under the
caption “Return of elections” by Ivo Oscar Faleiro.

From: Ivo Oscar Faleiro,
            Margao - Goa. 403601.  INDIA.
  PHONE: 00-91-832-2735790 (Residential)
               00-91-9226779988 (Mobile) 

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