The Parish Church of Mapuca celebrates the feast of Nossa Senhora de Milagres, 
on Monday, the 1st May'06. The church has an exquisite Baroque façade, three 
altars, and the main one is dedicated to Our Lady of Miracles and is richly 
carved, as is the pulpit.  The ceiling is intricately patterned with strips of 
wood.  The image of Nossa Senhora de Milagres (Our Lady of Miracles) is held 
in great veneration, by Hindus, Muslims and Christians alike.

The third Monday after Easter marks the feast of Nossa Senhora de Milagres,  
and is the object of devotion for Catholics, Hindus and Muslims alike. All 
devotees revere Nossa Senhora de Milagres, as a source of grace and 
supernatural favours. Hundreds of Hindus come to venerate the statue alongside 
Catholics, offering flowers and wax figures at the foot of the statue, 
expressing their devotion and gratitude for such things as being cured of a 
sickness, or blessed with a child. Hindus specially attribute the feast as 
being a source of miracles.  Devotees believe that the statue protected the 
town and its people from the plague, Catholic and Hindus alike gathered on 
Monday, the Feast Day to attend novena prayers and even the feast Day Mass,

For the entire taluka of Mapuca, Nossa Senhora de Milagres, popularly know 
as "Milagarichem Fest" is a major event. Not only the Catholics, but a large 
section of the Hindu community also visits the Mapuca church to pay homage to 
Our Lady. On the day following the feast, one sees long queues of Hindu 
devotees, particularly women with small children or with wax offerings, in 
thanksgiving for favours received or to make vows.

For a week before, vendors and roadside stalls lined a full kilometer of the 
way to the shrine, creating a fair-like atmosphere. A large fair of furniture, 
toys and "kaddio-boddio-khajem" (traditional Goan sweets) that spreads along 
the sides of the two busy roads flanking the church.

On the feast day i.e.1st May,06 Masses shall be celebrated every hour 
beginning at 5 a.m. till 9 a.m. The Solemn high Mass, to be celebrated at 10 
a.m., will be presided over by the Rector of Rachol Seminary, Rev. Fr. Denis 
Fernandes and the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Amandio Valladares, and Asstt. Parish 
Priests Fr. Joseph Estrocio and Fr. Rodson and other priests.

As every year the Mapuca Parishioners organise the Milagres Fete 2006, which 
is on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd May, in the premises of the Church.  It is one of 
the Fete that is sought after by all; the young aswell the old. People from 
all over come and enjoy the 3 days which are fun-packed for one and all. There 
are stalls for different games, of your choice, live band music to keep you 
rocking, a canteen to tempt your taste buds and Ice-creams stalls to cool the 
hot temperatures.

Arlette Azavedo

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