Goa's road carnage, more views...

By Valmiki Faleiro

We sampled some views from Goans worldwide, on Goa's grave road scene, last 
week. Let's check out some more today, before moving on to other aspects of 
the complex problem from next week ... night driving, two-wheelers, driving 
schools, traffic enforcement, etc. (These e-mail reproductions are abridged 
for reason of space.)

Melinda Coutinho Powell, Goa: "What saddens me most is the number of two 
wheeler youngsters dying, almost daily. Traffic education must begin in 
schools and colleges. When I began to drive here (after Mumbai), I was 
horrified. Most drivers merely know to manoeuvre the vehicle; rules of the 
road are unheard of. To survive, one must be proactive and alert for 
violations of every known driving rule. The talking friend syndrome (two 
bikers stop to chat in the middle of moving traffic), nod of the head (meaning 
you go first), cattle on streets, overtaking from left, roundabout chaos, and 
more. Highways, where speeding cars come hurtling at you, are scary. You must 
cope. Be mobile. Retaining one's sanity while driving here is difficult. My 
kids have picked up the stream of invectives I hurl on bad drivers.

Mario Goveia, USA: I highly recommend Melinda's approach as an effective 
method of reducing stress and maintaining sanity, which has the side benefit 
of providing the kids with a *home education* in the essentials of inter-
vehicular communications in Goa:-)) Nothing like hearing it from Mom. She's 
human too. However, in Mumbai, one sees plenty of fender benders but few 
fatalities. Goa, with a lower traffic density, allows the same maniacal 
attitude get to lethal speeds, leading to fatalities.

Elisabeth Carvalho, USA: Today's headline screams yet another death. A 7-year 
girl has been snatched from her family. A senseless death, an irreparable 
loss. Being a mother, my stomach ties up in knots everytime I read something 
like this. It could have been my daughter or brother or father. Seems like 
it's just the luck of the draw in Goa. The fact that Goans are an apathetic 
lot is self-evident. Anywhere else, people would be up in the streets 
organising rallies, protesting and demanding change. What does it take, Goa?

Nasci Caldeira, Melbourne: So many people are dying, getting injured and even 
maimed on Goa's roads that I feel that in war-like manner, an Ordinance must 
be promulgated to remove all loopholes in the law and ensure compliance, at 
all times -- by drivers, pedestrians, and by the authorities like Traffic 
Police, Road Construction people, and above all the RTO. The war on this front 
must be won, before many more die due to non-compliance, or for no fault of 

News and other media players and journalists must join in, in this war on Road 
Terror. Television is the most powerful media; it should be made full use of, 
in getting the safety message across. So far, I notice that this medium has 
not been tapped into at all, to educate and or enforce. What a pity.

John Eric Gomes, Porvorim: This is fallout of population growth, people's self-
interest and rising aspirations, corruption, politicians perfecting the art of 
dividing people and the inability of government to enforce the law. *Speed* is 
the new mantra. Even a petrol variant calls itself Speed! We need speed-
breakers on highways passing through now heavily populated areas. Elementary 
road rules are neither followed nor enforced. Few give way to traffic coming 
from the right, going uphill, slowing down at Zebra crossings, overtaking from 
left, not dipping headlights at night etc. Reminds me of Woody Allen, "Mankind 
is at the crossroads. One path leads to despair, the other to utter 
helplessness." Think positive, never too late.

Martinho de Souza, Australia: "Carnage on Goa's roads is the reflection of a 
bigger problem: lack of respect for life. Today while the dead are treated 
like carcasses to be deposed of as soon as possible, the living, especially 
pedestrians are considered expendable. Since 1961, there is a lack of courtesy 
on Goan roads, in keeping with the loss of Portuguese culture and the 
Indianization of Goans in Goa.

Dr. Gilbert Lawrence, USA: "Perhaps the author overlooked my post that had 
SOLUTIONS BY Goans and FOR Goans."

Postscript: Sorry, doc, your mail must have gone like another life or limb on 
Goa's roads ... in a crash. Fortunately, this comp's, from where I write. 
Kindly do mail it to the HERALD Editor (editor@ heraldgoa.com) or to me at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remember, either way you surrender copyrights!

PPS: Must pat the authorities for finally erecting four sets of speed breakers 
at the accident-prone stretch at Mungul, along the Margao-Colva road. Like the 
traffic slogan, *Better late than never.* These now make six speed-breakers on 
a 5-km. MDR (major district road.) So double *pat* their backsides for typical 
bullhead: about 27 lanes and village roads puncture this MDR -- and not one of 
them has a speed-breaker! Who'll ever tell these guys that holy cows like MDRs 
and National Highways shouldn't have speed breakers but that (in Goa's 
circumstances) feeder roads must?  (ENDS)

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The above article appeared in the April 30, 2006 edition of the Herald, Goa

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