Open Letter to the Honourable CM of Goa

It seems of late the Goa Government has become an anti peoples 
government.People's wishes and interests have been sidelined.Our priorities 
and satisfaction has been brutally murdered.There have been deliberate delays 
in some decisions by the Goa Government.For Instance take the decision to ask 
for extension of time for the committee formed to look into the feasibility of 

Now any level headed person would agree that 3 months is more than sufficient 
a time t come to a conclusion if you are serious and have put your mind to it 
and utilized all your energy in the right direction.What we Goans are seeing 
is however just delaying tactics and dilly dallying with people'e 
emotions,aspirations & wishes.

Why does the committee need more time?Is it not very clear to the Honourable 
Chief Minister that at present most of his flock are in favour of Dabolim?If 
your answer is NO then why are you moving forward with expansion and 
upgradation work on the airport?Why are you asking for funds to be released?
Why are you asking for more land around the existing airport?

Can the Chief Minister please answer all these questions logically to the 
people fo GOA who are concerned and uncertain at the moment due to the 
lethargy he is showing in coming to a concrete conclusion to this whole 
affair. Is the Chief Minster trying to prolong his decision just so that he 
can use this as a bait sometime down the line for those whose feathers have 
been ruffled up?

The Goan people think this would be a more logical thought.It is high time Mr. 
Chief Minister you get back into the saddle,hold the reins and command the 
horses where you want to be taken rather than they taking you where they feel 
like going.Stop postponement & spineless decisions as far as the MOPA issue is 
concerned.You should also realise that majority of your flock is from the 
South and if you stamp & show a would'nt care less attitude the South Goan 
electorate will teach you such a bitter lesson you will never forget.

There is a reason why Margao is called the Commercial Capital of Goa.That is 
because of the volume of the number of businesses running from here as well as 
the volume of tax collection which funds the government is very high from this 
part of Goa.This by itself should be reason enough for you to firmly stand by 
having the airport at Dabolim match international standards and not MOPA where 
a lot of your colleagues have got personal interests in and those who don't 
have their heart,mind and soul in MAHARASHTRA but only body in GOA.

Similarly the decision for shifting the Brith Certficates division to the 
Archives in Panjim is one of the stupidest that the Government could think 
of.Why should people of the South be inconvienienced and made to travel all 
the way there just for a birth certificate?Does the government realise that 
they hire a bunch of incompetent fools who rather than help the public only 
take bribes and harass people.

Corruption is so rampant in every department in Goa and with this being 
shifted there only gives these government servants more opportunity to extract 
money from the public because people who travelled all the way there would not 
want to come back the next day to get a certificate so instead they would pay 
50 or 100 rupees.Does the government realise that people who would want their 
birth cetificates are those who have been asked to produce one as a supporting 
document?Incidentally a majority of those who request for it are working 
individuals and not those who can spare a lot of time.

Does the government expect people to leave their work and run after these 
departments and if so how are these people going to run their families and 
provide for them??Why can't the government just open up a smaller office in 
South Goa similar to that of the Archives in North Goa to facilitate people 
and to make life more easy for the public rather than put them through 
hardships.Why can't the government just computerize everything or make 
everything available at the fingertips of the people by using technology.E-
govt all departments and impart awareness amongst the public and how to use 
this.That way you don't breed corruption in your backyard and at the same time 
people get what they want in the least possible time and without begging and 
pleading with these government servants whose duty is to serve the people and 
not their pockets.

It is a different question totally that corruption begins from the top and 
ends right at the bottom.

The only way to root out this disease and menace is be honest yourselves and 
set an example. I appeal to all Goans who have been born in this land and 
whose origin is Goa not the ones who have acquired the status of Goans given 
to them by these lousy politicians to please rise to the challenge and teach 
the governments who come into power and do nothing where they belong.Show them 
that they do not run this state, we do.Be it the BJP, NCP or Congress if the 
majority of decisions are more of a nuisance to us than of any help these guys 
need to be shown the door or dumped in a garbage treatment plant.


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